Write a paper of 5 to 7 pages in which you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your company and its products or services

Write a paper of 5 to 7 pages in which you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your company and its products or services

Assignment 4: Industry and Company Analysis


Next month, you will be meeting with a group of investors to discuss the possibility of a capital investment in your current company (or a company of interest) to significantly expand operations. The company’s Board of Directors will also attend the meeting.

In order to prepare for your presentation to these decision-makers and stakeholders, you need to conduct a thorough and honest evaluation of your company and its products or services.


Write a paper of 5 to 7 pages in which you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your company and its products or services. To create the structure – sections and subsections – of your paper, use the Sample Outline provided at the end of these Instructions. You should refer to the course content and show that you have used online resources to gather both quantitative and qualitative information related to your company.

Sample Outline

Use the following Outline to organize your paper. Use the underlined headings as section headings. Use the prompts in each section to be sure you include the required content.

When you have finished your paper, write an Abstract (summary) of one to two paragraphs summarizing the main points in your paper. The Abstract goes on a separate page, right after the Cover Page.

Cover Page 


    • On a separate page, write a short summary of your overall evaluation of the company’s prospects


    • Briefly describe the overall structure and purpose of your report

Background and Products

    • Describe your company’s market sector and industry
    • Explain the market structure: is it perfect competition, monopoly, monopsony, or oligopoly?
    • Describe your company’s major products or services

Assessment of Company and Products/Services

    • Specify the economic factors – such as price elasticity – that impact supply and demand
    • Specify any other significant economic characteristics, such as utility, type of good, etc.
    • What non-economic forces – such as weather, business cycles, new technologies or changes in regulations – can impact your company’s sales and profitability?

Economic Outlook

    • Using GUIDES, choose a macroeconomic indicator that poses an external concern or points to an area of risk; explain the implication of this indicator for your company and industry
    • Using GUIDES, choose a macroeconomic indicator that provides some reassurance or points to future growth; explain the implication of this indicator for your company and industry
    • Summarize the outlook for investors in the short-term (1 to 3 years), specifying the major favorable and unfavorable elements from your research
    • Summarize the outlook for prospective investors in the long-term (4+ years), specifying the major favorable and unfavorable elements from your research


    • Briefly recap and summarize the major findings of your report


Submission Requirements

  • Typed, double-spaced, professional font (size 10-12), include headings and subheadings, with one-inch margins on all sides
  • Include a Cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date
  • Include an Abstract: a short summary of your paper that readers can use as an overview
  • Utilize the Sample Outline provided on the next page, or create one of your own that mirrors the grading Rubric’s deliverables
  • Tables or graphs are encouraged as appropriate and can be embedded within the body of your paper or added in an Appendix
  • Include a References page that enables the reader to locate original sources. Application and analysis of course materials and resources are expected, and additional research is welcome
  • The Cover page and References page are not included in the required length of five to seven pages
Assignment 4 Grading Criteria (1)
Assignment 4 Grading Criteria (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts

view longer description

0.8 pts 


Exemplary description of the company’s market sector, industry, market structure, and/or major products or services.

0.69 pts

High Pass

Very good description of the company’s market sector, industry, market structure, and/or major products or services.

0.61 pts


Satisfactorily describes the company’s market sector, industry, market structure, and/or major products or services

0.54 pts

Low Pass

Partially describes the company’s market sector, industry, market structure, and/or major products or services.

0.25 pts


Does not or minimally describes the company’s market sector, industry, market structure, and/or major products or services.