What strategies can the facility utilize to monitor, evaluate, and maintain compliance within its risk management program? 

The evaluation strategy used to evaluate compliance with risk management policies is case analysis. Here, the manager is required to take statistics on the previous cases of risk and compare them with the cases that occurred after implementation to determine the program’s impact. Strategies that can be used to maintain compliance is frequent monitoring and reinforcing the policies.

Project monitoring can be done every three weeks during the project implementation process and feedback collected. Through the feedback, the manager can identify areas that need amendment (Chion et al., 2018).

Assessment of the Organization’s Risk Management Program

The risk management program of this organization has considered many high-risk situations within the organization. This program has taken a risk avoidance approach to tackle the majority of potential risks facing the organization. For instance, education risk management programs aim to address professional, legal, and ethical issues by providing information about the risks, their causes, and they can be prevented.

The program utilizes policy development and training to attend to high-risk healthcare. Some of the legal concerns of this program include medical negligence, errors, and malpractice.

Improving Risk Management Programs

I would improve the risk management programs in the following ways. First, I would state the rules and responsibilities for the people involved in risk management. Murphy et al. (2017) note that through this activity, the organization would benefit in that every person will understand their roles in risk management and regulations guiding the practice.

Second, I would improve the program by availing the necessary resources for project implementation. It is so unlikely for any project to succeed without proper and adequate resources. Lastly, I would improve the program by using an effective reward system to reward individuals who have achieved their targets. This system can motivate the staff to fully comply with the program.


Mara Health Facility employs risk avoidance, acceptance, transfer, and reduction strategies to manage risks facing its operations. The strategies are employed through an educational risk management program. The program does not have adequate resources and skilled personnel to execute it. It can be improved by availing resources and rewarding staff.


Chion, C., Turgeon, S., Cantin, G., Michaud, R., Ménard, N., Lesage, V., … & Gravel, C. (2018). A voluntary conservation agreement reduces the risks of lethal collisions between ships and whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Québec, Canada): from co-construction to monitoring compliance and assessing effectiveness. PloS one13(9), e0202560. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202560