What factors might you examine to judge the system’s effectiveness?



There are numerous factors that can be examined to judge the system’s effectiveness starting from external factors and internal factors. External factors can include legislative mandates, professional association’s recommendations, demands private and public sectors. For example, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH), offered a financial incentive through the Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS), for the implementation of meaningful usage (Blumenthal & Tavenner, 2010) with the electronic health records.  The professional organization of HIMSS has recommended a model that includes computerized physician order entry (CPOE) and clinical decision support with the electronic health records for meaningful use (Hessel, et al, 2015).

Internal factors can include the technology infrastructure, human factors, and organization commitment (Mohd et al, 2007).  Technology infrastructure includes the function of the hardware, software, external devices, and interoperability.  Human factors include health care providers, end-users, and patients effects. Organization commitment includes ongoing financial support, privacy and security, and education of end users, and seeking new innovations.

Assess the main challenges of designing a successful information system evaluation.

  The complexity of the evaluation object, evaluation project, and motivation for evaluation are the main challenges of designing a successful information system evaluation (Ammenwerth et al, 2003).  The complexity of the evaluation object includes the hardware and software, information processing, and the process of interfacing with end-users in the environment. The evaluation project includes external factors like the legislation, financial stability, stakeholders, and patient’s factors. The motivation for evaluation includes sufficient funding and sufficient motivated stakeholders.


American Nurses Association. (2008). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice. Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Ammenwerth, E., Graber, S., Herrmann, G., Burkle, T., Konig, J. (2003). Evaluation of health information systems—problems and challenges.International Journal of Medical Informatics.  Retrieved from http:www.elske-ammenwerth.de.

Blumenthal, D., Tavenner, M. (2010). The “Meaningful Use” Regulation for Electronic Health Records. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363, 501-504.

Delpierre, C., Cuzin, L., Filaus, J., Alvarez, M. M., Lang, T (2004). A systematic review of computer-based patient record systems and quality of care:  more randomized clinical trials or a broader approach? International Journal of Quality Health Care, 16(5), 407-416.