Ways to Boost Your Motivation

success go get it

Motivation is a great force that can help you whenever you feel like your productivity goes down. It allows us to succeed and achieve more, keeping us energized and interested in what we do. Motivation is also something that many students lack throughout their academic careers. However, not because they never had it, but simply because they forget about their significant goals. To help you study more productively, we have gathered a few motivation boost methods in the article below.

The Nature of Motivation

Where does motivation come from? It’s no secret that it is your inner sense of the importance and significance of your action and efforts towards your life goals. Motivation can be viewed as a prize in the distance that makes you work and achieve results when you know what your plan for the future is. It helps us cope with boredom and challenges in our ways because we know that if we put in our effort – we will achieve what we want.

Motivation can and should be nurtured. Sometimes we can lose the right track because of the routine and stress that we put ourselves under. That’s why sometimes motivation needs a little push or boost to let us go on. Here are a few motivation-boosting methods that you can try out.

Focus on Your Achievements

When we are talking about motivation among students, there are a lot of things that might be viewed as great and major goals. One of them is successful graduation that all students strive for and the main reason why they deal with boring assignments and projects. Keeping your motivation in this situation is quite difficult because of all the challenges that you need to go through and all the stress that they cause.

In order to boost your motivation in studying, one of the most effective tactics is to concentrate on your achievements and successes instead of focusing on your fails. We all fail – it’s just the reality that we live in. Of course, it can sometimes put us down, but remembering about all the tasks that you have successfully finished and all the steps of your academic career that you managed to climb is what can help your motivation grow.

Optimism is always the right approach when you are in discomfort. Thinking in a positive way can help you think much clearer and avoid focusing on stressful factors. So, make sure you find in your memory something that you can praise yourself for and keep faith in yourself.

Take Small Steps

When you are trying to bite a large piece of cake, you put yourself at risk of choking. Trying to do more than you actually can is a bad habit that results in disappointment about your own abilities. However, it’s the wrong conclusion as in reality the only thing you should be disappointed about is your time management and organization.

There is nothing wrong with progressing slowly – taking your time helps you enjoy the ride, instead of rushing toward the outcome. Break large tasks and goals into smaller ones – it will give you an opportunity to watch your progress and feel better about finished tasks.

Create a Ritual or Habit

Everyone has their own small rituals, like first of all drinking coffee in the morning or wishing yourself good luck when looking in the mirror. These are the things that work as mental keys that start your inner clockwork box and help you feel more confident and ready for the day or task.

If you don’t have a habit that makes you feel the way you would like to – for example, more powerful, energized, decisive, capable, self-confident – then you should definitely create one for yourself. For example, a habit of cleaning up your study space before you start your study session can boost your brain activity and will make you feel more organized. Having a habit of walking around the campus can clear up your thoughts and bring you joy. Writing a diary might be an option for you to get rid of stress. You can also create a mantra for bad days or a type of treat to reward yourself for high productivity.

Bet on Yourself

The only type of bet that you should ever do is on yourself. You don’t even need anyone to take a bet with, however, you can ask your friend or a family member to do it. What betting gives you is an atmosphere of competition and desire to win and complete the tasks that you need to be finished.

Slacking off is not an option when you make a public commitment. For example, you might want your roommate to be the one with who you share your goals and promises. Or you can do it via your social media account and let your followers know that you are seriously going to finish that dissertation project. It seems like a silly thing to do, but some people are more competitive than others and this method is for them. Setting deadlines and clear goals with a risk of losing a bet is a real motivation boost.