In the late 18th century, there was an economic shift in Britain because of the industrial creations and ideas that were incorporated into mechanization. The hardship of working long hours and crafting things by hand was all solved with a single cotton mill and spinning jenny. This improvement led to many factories and new jobs for people. Later on, Henry Ford mastered a way to build more products through a process called the ‘assembly line”. That was the start of the second revolution and a new wave of mass production. Although these eras of change and innovation have impacted our lives today, the most important one was the third revolution. The third/digital revolution has impacted modern life more than any other ideas humans have had thus far.
The first industrial revolution was Britain’s greatest power in the 1800s. They introduced the water frame, the spinning jenny, steam engines, steamboats, etc. This was going to be the first time people were using machines and tools to get things done quicker, especially in the textile industry. Eric Bond, a publisher from Industrial, says, “The advancement of the textile industry was a key development in Britain’s industrialization. It was essentially this industry that first employed the factory system. The raw materials used were essentially the same ones used under the domestic system, mainly featuring wool and cotton, but machines were now used to take the raw product and create fabric.
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The Evolution of Technology Impact of Industrial Revolutions and the Digital Age
With the use of machines and an ‘assembly-line’ approach, it was possible to make enormous amounts of fabric in less time and for less money (Porter). Yet while advancements in this industry brought huge profits and were, therefore, very good for the economy, there were many problems with how factories were run. Young children were employed and were given very small salaries. They were also forced to work extremely long hours in dangerous conditions and were beaten in order to keep them working (Kaufman).” There were many issues with the way things were being dealt with, and the problems started to rise. People already saw that these new methods might not work in the long run, which is why technology was needed to help reduce these factors.
The Digital Revolution began in the late 1950s, and It was the conversion of mechanical/analog to digital, which couldn’t have happened without early advancements such as the “assembly line.” Although things were easier to mass produce, it was actually hard to work due to more production coming in every day. Henry Ford’s idea was great, but it led to more work being done in a shorter period than a longer period with slower instruments. During the assembly line era, demands were higher, and supply was also limited, which meant more productivity but less durability to workers in the long term