Shirley is a 76yo female who presents to your office for evaluation of chest pain that has been going on for the past 4 days. She states she occasionally does get chest pain now and again, but she noticed that over the past 4 days, when walking up the stairs, or going on her morning walk to get coffee with her girlfriends, she develops a central chest pressure and pain.


When she stops walking, and rests, the pain completely resolves. When asked to point to where her pain is she points to the are above her left breast. She states it radiated to her left shoulder, and occasionally gets “a strange tingling” in her left arm. She denies any fever, chills, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Denies cough, occasional shortness of breath; but not new for her. She denies headaches or feeling like she is dizzy, or going to pass out. She denies any history or Family history of PE or DVT. She used to smoke 1PPD of cigarettes for 30 years, but quit at age 65. She denies any arm or leg swelling.

PMHX: HTN, HLD, CAD, DM, COPD, Hypothyroid

Medications: Lisinopril 10mg Once daily, Amlodipine 5mg Daily, Lipitor 40mg once daily, Pepcid 40mg BID, Ventolin Inh. PRN Q6hours, Metformin 1000mg BID, Synthroid 125mcg daily

Surgical HX: CABGX2 (2016)

FHX: Mother(87yo) COPD, HTN, CAD Deceased, Father (89yo) Deceased d/t MI, Husband (69yo) HTN, Asthma, COPD, Daughter (34yo) Healthy, Son (38yo) Schizophrenia, Daughter (35yo) HIV

Social HX: Smokes 1PPD of cigarettes; Quit 30 years ago, ETOH use (6-7 vodka seltzers/week)

VS: Temp 98.8 oral, HR 98, BP 168/76, RR 20, SPO2 90% RA HT:5’7”, WT: 185lbs

Physical Exam: This is a 76yo African American female, appears states age. A&OX3, Well dressed. Oral mucosa pink, moist, intact. Poor dentition with multiple areas of plaque/dental caries. EOMI, PERRLA 2+ BL, Neck supple, no palpable thyroid. No JVD or cervical lymphadenopathy. Chest wall without pain to palpation, no rashes/lesions noted. Lungs with BL posterior lung wheezes/rhonchi that clear with coughing. No egophony, bronchophony, or
whispered pectoriloquy. Heart with normal s1/s2, no murmur appreciated to auscultation. 2+ pulses in BL upper and lower extremities. Calves are symmetric, temperature intact BL, with negative homan’s sign BL. 1+ edema in BL lower extremities. ROM intact in all joints. ABD is SNTTP, BS X 4. No focal neurological deficit.

Diagnostic Studies: EKG Normal Sinus with PVC

CBC: Hgb 12.5, Plts 250,

CMP: BUN 30, CREA 1.0, Na 137, K 3.6, Glucose 118, BNP 90

Chest X-Ray: No infiltrates, Heart size normal, No Rib Fractures

Please follow same rubric for Case Study 1. Do not submit a case study that does not have a full ROS and PE, it will not be graded.

Instructions: Reformat the above data as follows from Bates:

Your must include a full ROS and Physical Exam for full Credit

1). CC:


PMH (include surgeries and traumatic injuries)

Current medications



Family History – genogram (you can draw it and place on last page)

ROS – complete information

Physical Exam – complete information

2). List 3 Differential Diagnoses in descending order of suspicion (your 1st differential should be your primary).

3). List the pertinent positives/negatives to support your differentials. (3positive/3negative)

4). List additional history data that would support your primary differential diagnosis and why? (5 history questions not already asked you would ask patient to obtain more data)

5). List any additional physical components that would support your primary differential diagnosis and why? (3-5 PE findings that are not provided that would help you diagnose)

6). Select your primary differential diagnosis as #1 and include 2 other differentials:

  1. Give a brief pathophysiologic description of each disorder (< 10 sentences) of your #1 differential.
  2. Etiology (of your #1 differentials
  3. Usual clinical findings or features, if any, associated with your primary DD
  4. Diagnostic criteria (if any) for making the diagnosis
  5. Treatment Plan – include specific treatments like pharmacotherapy (be specific with doses, amounts, etc)

Remember to use 1 evidence-based source within last 5 years for case study.

Cite in APA format

Put name on case study before submitting