In the long run the cost and revenue curves of the monopolist may shift due to various reasons — product or process innovation, impo­sition of a tax or provision of subsidy. We may first consider the effect of a change in demand. Change in demand may be of two types: short run and long run.

Changes in demand:

Short-run shifts of demand for the product of the monopolist do not always pay the monopolist to vary the price in response to such shifts. But long-run (permanent) shifts in demand are likely to have some notable consequences.

In our discussion on the absence of a supply curve under monopoly, we noted that a rise in demand need not always cause an increase in a monopolist’s price and output, even in the short run. If, however, there is sufficient change in the elasticity of demand for the product of the monopolist, it is quite possible for a rise in demand to cause a fall either in price or in output.


Two possibilities are considered in Fig. 5. In panel (i), there is a parallel rightward (from D1 to D0) or leftward (from D0 to D1) shift of the demand curve, with its slope remaining unchanged. In panel (ii), the demand curve becomes flatter (by rotating anticlockwise from D0 to D1. In both the panels of Fig. 5, we observe one thing clearly: both price and quantity rise when demand rises and both fall when demand falls.