Professional Nursing School Application Essay Examples: From Theory to Practice

Can I use the essay samples from other fields similar to nursing application essay examples?

And here, we have a trick for finding inspiration for your application essay. For instance, here is an example of a college admission application letter for The University of Iowa’s Master in Fine Arts program. Does it relate to nursing in any possible way? No, not at all. Can it be a perfect structure or content sample for you? Yes, absolutely!

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Professional Nursing School Application Essay Examples: From Theory to Practice

I believe the most in the power of practice, both in nursing and writing. So, after examining the bad examples nursing applications, let’s dive into the good examples. I will name one good tip to use in your letters for the introduction, body, and conclusion sections and one good sample nursing application for each. If you are ready for a little practice, carefully check the explanations first and then look them up in the text.

Nursing application essay example: Writing a good introduction

A tip for your application’s introduction: You can start a nursing essay example by connecting the storytelling about your motivation for studying with the program you are applying to.

Example: “In the nursing field, I am the most drawn to the ideas of patient-centered care and community outreach. These terms are buzzwords nowadays for their overuse in all relevant medical fields, but not for me. I am solemn in my desire to study the medicine that treats, heals, and sees people, not disease blanks in the records. And that is what I found in the [ Program’s title].”

Nursing application essay example: Writing good body paragraphs

A tip for writing a good body paragraph: If you want to write a good nursing care essay, do not share your experiences and skills separately. Instead, make the causal relations between the two and showcase how you learned your lessons from those experiences.

Example: “Volunteering at [Hospital/Healthcare Facility/NHs (nursing houses)] taught me one thing for sure. I have worked with a woman in her twenties who has diabetes. The medical team did a good job treating the patient’s coronary artery disease but she was anxious about taking a sedative to relax. She had a history of medical mistakes in the family when her father had an unknown allergy to the medicine. At that moment, I understood that the patients always need to clearly understand what is happening to them and what the team does to ensure their safety. I patiently explained all the procedures step by step, including the allergy testing, and the woman’s shoulders relaxed.”

Nursing application essay example: Writing a good conclusion

A tip for writing a good conclusion: End on a positive note and talk about your desired contribution to the field or patient’s life. A nursing essay should include a circular loop of a good hook in the beginning, strong arguments in the middle, and an eye-catching conclusion.

Example: “As any other person on this planet these days, I feel anxious about politics, wars, and climate change. However, as much as I cannot influence these large processes, I can help by being in my place and doing what I can. I believe that will make enough of a positive impact to make this world a little bit better.”