PICOT and EBP Assignment: Finding the Research Evidence
Continuing on with step one of the Impact Model is the need to search for the studies to support your project. There are different classes of evidence that can guide changes in clinical practice.
To prepare for this Assignment, review the following:
Write a 2-page paper (exclusing title page and reference page) to address the following:
• For the evidence-based problem that you identified in Week 1 for your project, locate two different articles/sources representing two different types of evidence from the following categories: (a) systematic review, (b) national clinical guidelines and/or (c) peer-reviewed quantitative / qualitative studies. PICOT and EBP Assignment: Finding the Research Evidence.
• For each article/source of evidence:
o Summarize the article/source in your own words without the use of direct quotes.
o Using the Peterson et al., (2014) article located in Week 2 Resources address the level of evidence (hierarchy). Then discuss the usefulness of the evidence from the article/source in addressing the identified practice problem. Be sure to site evidence in-text and in a final reference page.
o Describe where your two sources fit into the hierarchy of evidence and explain why PICOT and EBP Assignment: Finding the Research Evidence.
o Describe the value of these two sources in better understanding and addressing your evidence-based problem.
Evidence-Based Practice Paper Guide
Impact Model
(Source: Brown, S. (2014). Evidence-based nursing: The research practice connection. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.) PICOT and EBP Assignment: Finding the Research Evidence.
Step 1 Ask and Search
- ASK– identify evidence-based practice (EBP) question
Write in PICO format
P – patient population
I – intervention/issue
C – comparison intervention
O – outcome(s)
For example, in patients with acute myocardial infarction, does ambulation within the first 24 hours as compared to those who remain on bed rest for the first 48 hours result in increased participation in cardiac rehabilitation following discharge from the hospital?
Be sure to have your project approved by your Instructor before continuing with the steps.
Assignment Week 1: Submit the completed Evidence-Based Problem and Question Template to the Week 1 Assignment link. (Refer to the grading rubric in Course Information for assignment details.)
Identify search terms and search engines. Find a minimum of five EBP articles that have been published within the last 5 years. Be sure to look at the systematic reviews and the national clinical practice guidelines. PICOT and EBP Assignment: Finding the Research Evidence.
Assignment Week 2: Submit a 1- to 2-page paper describing two sources
of evidence you have found, where they fit in the hierarchy of evidence, and the value of these sources in better understanding your evidence-based practice problem. Summarize the findings in the literature that you retrieved. Submit to the Week 2 assignment link. (Refer to the grading rubric in Course Information for assignment details.)
Step 2 Appraise the literature
Critique each article using the appropriate Appraisal Guide provided in Week 4 Resources. In the final paper, a critique of at least five of the articles used for your project will need to be submitted.
PICOT and EBP Assignment: Finding the Research Evidence Assignment Week 4: Submit critiques of two of the articles using the appropriate Appraisal Guide provided to the Week 4 Resources. (Refer to the grading rubric in Course Information for assignment details.)
Step 3 Design the project
Describe each step of the project clearly and completely. Clearly explain the recommended evidence-based change including the setting, health care consumers affected, and the rationale for the change.
Assignment Week 5: Submit a 2- to 3-page paper discussing your EBP plan. Include the PICO clinical question, recommended change in practice, and the evidence to support the plan. (Refer to the grading rubric in Course Information for assignment details.)
Step 4 EBP
The final step is to discuss how the outcomes from the plan will be evaluated. Identify the criteria that will be used to measure the effectiveness of the change. For example, how many individuals following an acute myocardial infarction are participating in or have participated in the cardiac rehabilitation program? The final EBP plan needs to be developed into a power point for posting in the classroom. PICOT and EBP Assignment: Finding the Research Evidence.
Assignment Week 6: Develop a voice over PowerPoint presentation.
Post the presentation in the Week 6 Discussion board by Day 3. Use the week 6 submission link to submit the final copy of the PowerPoint to your Instructor for grading. (Refer to the grading rubric in Course Information for assignment details.)