On-the-Go Snacks For a Busy College Student

Being away at college means more independence and freedom, and for many students, that signifies mealtime becomes a matter of convenience versus health and nutrition. But just because you are busy with homework, friends, parties and more does not mean you have to live off of pizza and fast food every day. Here are some simple, healthy snacks college students should carry with them in order to stay healthy and keep from getting hungry.


 1.    Avocado Toast

Avocado toast is one of the quickest and yummiest snacks that provides many health benefits. It is a great source of fiber, vitamins and the good kind of fat that your body needs. Keep it simple with some olive oil, salt and pepper or add some eggs, cheese or tomatoes to your avocado toast. In any case, it’s guaranteed to be delicious and will keep you full and ready for the long study day ahead.