NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 5 Influence of Health Policy

Many health policy decisions that influenced the project’s development and execution must be integrated. For instance, I adhered to CMS’s telemedicine compensation guidelines, which now impose an impediment to broader implementation by requiring patients to have services situated in authorized originating infrastructure, such as clinics, to be eligible for reimbursement. The usage of encrypted communication networks was directed by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) safeguards for teleconference (Fox-Fuller et al., 2021). Home health rules about qualifying impairments degrees and needed therapy elements also impacted communication with this essential support provider. It was imperative to navigate these rules to facilitate the moral and practical unification of electronic and community resources.

Consequently, by identifying shortages in adult day program financing and telehealth constraints, the initiative helped address policy requirements in our context. To contribute to the telemedicine legislation that was expanded this year to fund home care services, I worked with the state’s nursing organization (Angelopoulou et al., 2022). I also presented advantages and cost-savings statistics to municipalities to persuade them to boost funding for Alzheimer’s respite care. Going ahead, I see a chance to further influence policy by concentrating on coordinating care approaches via my state’s Alzheimer’s Task Force. In conclusion, it is essential to acknowledge the role of policy in development and take advantage of every chance to influence crucial changes in healthcare legislation via nursing-led activism.

Role of Nurses in Policy Implementation

This study illustrates the critical role nursing professionals with bachelor training play in influencing the formulation and execution of policies. My nursing degree gave me the skills to deftly negotiate pertinent health legislation to conduct a program that maximizes the advantages of technology and my ability to obtain ethical assistance within intricate regulatory frameworks. My systems-level viewpoint also helped me to spot policy gaps and areas for improvement. My participation in the advocacy for increased funding for elderly day programs and telehealth regulations serves as an example of how undergraduate nurses may effectively use their experience to influence policy change. I’m dedicated to using my extensive background in healthcare, investigation, and resources in the community, and I am morally responsible for applying patient-centered technologies and creating laws that will encourage them. Because of their adaptability, nurses are particularly positioned to act as leaders at the junction of fair policy change and the emergence of evidence-based healthcare.

Project Outcomes and Initial Predictions

When I first conceptualized this multimodal assistance, I hypothesized that its implementation would significantly improve Clay and his extended family’s standard of life, security, and access to medical services. To lessen significant Alzheimer’s symptoms, including wandering hazards, loneliness, dispersed treatment, and carer stress, a combination of technological tools and community assistance was used. These desired results seem to have been attained, based on Clay’s family’s overwhelming number of favorable comments at the deployment’s conclusion. For example, they saw that as Clay became more erratic while out on his own, the GPS tracker offered safety and independence. They favored virtual visits over in-person meetings to communicate with providers. Additionally, they conveyed their appreciation for adult day program services, which lessened the ongoing burden of caring.

Nonetheless, disparities surfaced between preliminary forecasts and the results that emerged. I didn’t account for the possibility of technical obstacles preventing constant online care, such as wearable device interface issues and deficiencies in-home internet access. Given the ongoing fragmentation of data structures, my forecasts about flawless care management also turned out to be too optimistic. Finally, I had not wholly foreseen the obstacles caused by the lack of mobility. These conclusions will identify priority areas that need ongoing advocacy and solution creation and help establish more realistic objectives. In general, maximizing the effect of my profession on a complicated health issue like the care improvement of Alzheimer’s disease requires harmonizing expected and actual results via rigorous assessment that fosters agile, adaptive development.

Generalizability of Intervention

This Alzheimer’s disease intervention’s multimodal strategy, which uses technological advances, coordination of care, and local collaborations, shows great promise for best practices and broad universality. Substantial empirical evidence supports the critical ideas of smartwatches and monitors, telehealth uptake, coordinated medical planning, and local use of resources in enhancing care throughout contexts and demographics. NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 5 The Americans and their families who are now dealing with Alzheimer’s disease may benefit tremendously from the widespread adoption of these cooperative solutions that prioritize safety, freedom, accessibility, and comprehensive care (Vu et al., 2022). Telemedicine and the integration of resources are especially beneficial to lower-income and remote communities, which bear a high cost of Alzheimer’s disease and face obstacles in coordinating treatment (Canali et al., 2024). Through persistent lobbying and creativity, nurses may use these evidence-based methods to change public health and care perspectives for various dementia patients.

Personal and Professional Growth

In my own life, carrying out this intricate intervention strengthened my capacity to bounce back from setbacks, adjust, and analyze myself. The complexity of Alzheimer’s care required persistence and adaptability when the first preparations did not work out as expected. I also developed a sharper sense of self-awareness about my prejudices and propensity for ideological thinking, which was a crucial reminder to base ambitions on modesty. Working delicately and sensitively with various stakeholders helped me significantly improve my interpersonal abilities and skills. Above all, this effort ignited a desire to support our country’s rising aging population.

My professional competencies have considerably grown, particularly in medical evidence-based care, political consciousness, conceptualization of systems, and management. My proficiency in practice handling changes, data synthesizing, literature review, and result assessment has increased. My ability to integrate academic work into my writing and presentations improved. Understanding intricate rules, guidelines, and moral problems equipped me for professional nursing duties. I now have a greater capacity to put creative, patient-centered approaches into practice while actively influencing policy development. This initiative renewed my resolve to use nursing’s enormous potential to change medical conditions and care models via leadership in policy and practice. With my newfound understanding and self-awareness, I feel ready to advance as a medical professional leader.

Areas for Growth

Looking back at my achievements, I can see that this capstone project showed me how to manage complicated modifications and practice my endeavors more skillfully. This required synthesizing research, technological know-how, ethical reasoning, participation of stakeholders, and political management. To be ready for management jobs, I improved my preparation, execution, result evaluation, and literary evaluation skills. My talents in interaction, emotional intelligence, conceptualizing systems, and campaigning were greatly enhanced through diverse cooperation. I became more conscious of my prejudices and idealism, allowing me to approach creativity with empathy and realism. Most significantly, this initiative sparked an enthusiasm for using clinical improvement and policy change to maximize the enormous potential that nursing has to improve both outcomes and experiences for our varied aging community. I appreciate the chance to become more confident in my words and purpose as a nurse administrator facing a pressing public health concern. I may get closer to my professional and private continuous education objectives, evidence-based practice, public participation, and unflinching advocacy with the help of this thoughtful assessment of my growth.


To sum up, this study highlights nurses’ critical role in putting creative, multidimensional ideas into practice that enhance care patterns and medical consequences for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease like Clay. My goal was to improve Clay’s protection, independence, accessibility, and standard of living in the face of cognitive decline by incorporating technological tools, coordinated medical tasks, and social collaborations into a patient-centered program. Evidence-based technology and cooperative support have enormous promise, even if there is room for improvement in consistent uptake and removing obstacles to effective utilization. NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 5 Combining individual viewpoints and the larger picture allows nurses to lead the way in implementing fair and broad approaches that align with our highest professional standards. I’m determined to fulfill this ability.


Ali, M. T., Turetta, C., Demrozi, F., & Pravadelli, G. (2024). ICT-Based Solutions for Alzheimer’s Disease Care: A Systematic Review. IEEE Access12, 13944–13961.

Angelopoulou, E., Papachristou, N., Bougea, A., Stanitsa, E., Kontaxopoulou, D., Fragkiadaki, S., Pavlou, D., Koros, C., Değirmenci, Y., Papatriantafyllou, J., Thireos, E., Politis, A., Tsouros, A., Bamidis, P., Stefanis, L., & Papageorgiou, S. (2022). How Telemedicine Can Improve the Quality of Care for Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias? A Narrative Review. Medicina58(12), 1705.