NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 3 Developing an Implementation Plan The budget related to earnings and revenue will be calculated by using projected care costs, number patients per year,

performance or revenue In the current and prevlous year, prevalence of dlabetes in the community (Koch-Weser et al., 2019), and
reputation of the hospital in the community as it was highlighted in the previous paper that, “Raulerson Hospltall is located In
Okeechobee, which has a population of 5,724 according to the 2019 census. In 2019, the total prevalence of dlabetes worldwide
was seen to be 9.3% (Sacedi et al., 2019). Golng by that rate, it can be seen that around 530 people are dlabetic in a city with a
population of 5,724 people.”

The dlabetes prevalence rate highlights that revenue will increase each year as patient count is Increasing. This creates a need for
Increased staffing and materlal procurement (Shakya & Plemmons, 2020). Thus, projected health care staffing cost along with
probable salary hike and staffing requlrement will be considered along with tralning costs for novice nurses and pald leaves
Including education sponsor for health care professionals (Chattopadhyay & Zangaro, 2019).

Budget for expected costs and earnings over the first five years

FY 2022YEAR 1 (Thousands) FY 2023YEAR 2 (Thousands) FY 2024 YEAR 3 (Thousands) FY2025 YEAR (Thousands) FY2026YEAR 5 (Thousands) TOTAL (Thousands)
Opening Cash Balance 500.00 1875 3542.4 5283.8 7013.8
Fund Received 225
Loan 225
Operating Receipts
Patient Service Receipts(UCC) 3250 3480 3654 3764 3920 18068
Total Receipts 3250 3480 3654 3764 3952 18068
Operating Payments
Staff Salaries 1025 1250 1375 1500 1500 6650
Basic Utilities 60 62 65 66 65 348
Insurance 15 15 17 18 18 68
Other Operating Payments 375 380 400 400 400 1595
Total Operating Payments 1475 1707 1857 1984 1983 9006
Operating Surplus/Deficit 1775 1773 1797 1780 1969 9062
Nonoperating Payments
Annual Loan Repayment 55.6 55.6 55.6 50 50 266.8
Total NonoperatingExpenses 55.6 55.6 55.6 50 50 266.8
Construction, Furniture,and Equipment 400 50
Cash Surplus/Deficit 1375 1667.4 1741.4 1730 1919 8932.8
Closing Cash Balance 1875 3542.4 5283.8 7013.8 8932.8 8932.8

NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 3 Developing an Implementation Plan