MHA FPX 5020 Assessment 5 STAR Format Competency Rating Table MHA-FPX 5020 Health Administration Capstone


Prof. Name


Competency Rating Table in STAR Format

NCHL Competency

Rating (1-9)





Outcome Rating (1–5)

Accountability: Confront performance problems.

Baseline: 2 Current: 8 The quality assurance department had failed to provide relevant Infections (HAI) data for the last three months. Introduced new execution markers and defined explicit job descriptions for each departmental member. Delegated responsibilities to every person in the quality assurance department to improve accountability in HAI reporting. Departmental accountability improved, and the cases of HAI were reduced. 5

Achievement Orientation: Set and work to meet challenging goals.

Baseline: 1 Current: 8 The billing department faced a high number of dubious reimbursement claims during the pandemic. Researched and projected an ideal billing software for the department. Collaborated with an IT expert to implement the new billing software and trained the departmental staff on its use. Hospital reimbursement increased, and the number of disputed claims decreased. 5

Change Leadership: Challenge the status quo.

Baseline: 2 Current: 9 The billing department had a cynical view on integrating technology into billing management due to fraud and data security concerns. Recommended innovative billing systems based on research of health facilities with cohesive billing technology. Installed the new billing system and hired a trainer to educate the staff on its use. Improved productivity in billing and reimbursement processes within the organization. 5

Collaboration: Encourage others.

Baseline: 2 Current: 8 There was a need to reinforce internal quality assessment in the care facility, requiring several departmental leaders to establish efficient standards. Worked cooperatively with other departmental leaders to construct internal healthcare quality assessment specifications. Actively participated in the creation and implementation of an internal quality assessment program within the healthcare facility. Improved compliance, quality of care, patient safety, and ensured full compliance with the Healthcare Quality Improvement Act. 5

Financial Skills: Evaluate financial analyses and investments.

Baseline: 0 Current: 9 Helped resolve a budget dilemma at the accounting department by providing precise cost estimates for the Public Health Campaign in mental awareness. Carried out cost estimation and participated in the hospital’s budgeting committee for the Public Health Campaign. Outlined and presented project deliverables, activities, timelines, and relevant costs to stakeholders. Achieved optimal cash absorption for the campaign, avoided financial wastages, and realized the intended campaign goals. 5

Impact and Influence: Use indirect influence.

Baseline: 1 Current: 8 Persuaded the management and leadership of the financial department on the need for a modern billing system. Drafted a change proposal for the finance and billing departments, highlighting the importance and benefits of the new system. Organized weekly internal meetings with department leaders to present the need for the billing system change. Successfully influenced the heads of billing and finance to adopt the modern billing software. 5

Information Seeking: Conduct research to maintain knowledge.

Baseline: 1 Current: 8 Investigated the causes of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) and possible solutions within the hospital. Formed a team to investigate HAI causes and recommend evidence-based solutions. Interviewed healthcare workers, researched evidence-based solutions, and presented findings to the board. Reduced HAI cases, improved patient safety, and lowered care costs. 5

Initiative: Take action on long-term opportunities.

Baseline: 0 Current: 9 Sought to determine the financial cost of the nationwide lockdown and strategies to mitigate these costs. Collaborated with a research team to forecast the financial implications of the lockdown and propose adaptive measures. Compared healthcare demand before and during the lockdown, recommending telehealth as a compensatory measure. Reduced potential losses due to the lockdown by predicting obstacles and designing solutions. 5
Baseline: 3 Current: 9 Addressed the backlog in the billing department that slowed hospital reimbursements. Proposed integrating technology into the hospital’s billing system. Researched and recommended suitable billing software for the hospital. Enhanced effectiveness in hospital reimbursements and reduced billing backlogs. 4

Interpersonal Understanding: Commit to understand others.

Baseline: 1 Current: 9 Responded to complaints from intern students regarding their stipend and treatment by senior healthcare personnel. Reported compensation and work relation issues raised by the interns to top management. Held a meeting with interns, drafted a report, and presented their grievances to top management. Improved intern compensation and work relationships with senior staff, reducing organizational conflicts. 5

Organizational Awareness: Adapt actions to climate and culture.

Baseline: 1 Current: 9 Assisted the human resource department in updating the organizational structure following the recruitment of new top management personnel. Organized the healthcare personnel structure by seniority. Created a hierarchical diagram and shared it with top management and all healthcare departments. Enhanced understanding of the healthcare chain of command among stakeholders, reducing organizational conflict. 5

Performance Measurement: Monitor a “scorecard” of quantitative and qualitative measures.

Baseline: 2 Current: 8 The hospital management aimed to assess organizational performance in service delivery. Used quantitative models to measure overall hospital performance and compare it with industry competitors. Collected data on readmission rates, patient wait times, and infection rates from Hospital Acquired Infections. Provided insights on hospital performance and highlighted areas for future improvement. 4

Process Management & Organizational Design: Benchmark best processes and practices.

Baseline: 2 Current: 8 Long lines and a slow billing process necessitated redesigning the billing process to make it more efficient for patients. Participated in overhauling the billing system, identifying inefficiencies, and proposing solutions. Outsourced training for finance department staff to familiarize them with the new billing system. Enhanced staff and customer satisfaction with the new billing process. 5

Project Management: Provide project oversight and sponsorship.

Baseline: 1 Current: 8 Formed part of the ad hoc committee to improve the hospital’s management system through technological integration. Oversaw the establishment and rollout of the hospital’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) project. Managed personnel involved in the project and supervised resource allocation and utilization. Improved access and management of patient information, enhancing data security within the hospital. 5

Self-Confidence: Take on challenges.

Baseline: 2 Current: 8 Proposed the implementation of biometric registration for healthcare workers to reduce absenteeism. Drafted and presented a proposal to the board on the efficiency of a biometric database for human resource management. Initiated mass registration of healthcare workers, stored data, and tested the system’s user-friendliness. Improved human resource management, reduced absenteeism, and increased personnel productivity. 5

Self-Development: Pursue long-term personal development.

Baseline: 1 Current: 9 The hospital lacked personnel capable of operating advanced medical machines such as CT and MRI scanners. Enrolled in short courses in medical engineering to gain insights into operating these machines. Practiced and consulted with experts on using sophisticated medical equipment. Acquired valuable knowledge in operating medical machines, bridging the personnel shortage gap, and enhancing quality care. 4

Strategic Orientation: Conduct environmental scanning.

Baseline: 2 Current: 8 Stakeholders required a comprehensive environmental scan on the viability of a Health Promotion Campaign on mental well-being. Conducted PESTEL analysis considering cultural, political, social, and legal environments. Organized a strategy report and presented it to top management for consideration. The Health Promotion Campaign received approval and full funding, benefiting the community. 5

Team Leadership: Demonstrate leadership.

Baseline: 2 Current: 9 Led health promotion campaigns in the local community to raise awareness about mental well-being. Organized, supervised, and coordinated health promotion activities with the help of interns. Formed groups, delegated tasks, oversaw reporting, and resolved conflicts. Achieved effective team operation, positive patient outcomes, and enhanced team cohesion. 5

Communication Skills: Communicate in a clear, logical, and grammatical manner.

Baseline: 1 Current: 9 Faced resistance to adopting modern billing software due to perceived cost and complexity. Created charts and presentations to demonstrate the effectiveness of integrated billing systems. Presented the benefits of technology in billing to stakeholders. Successfully changed stakeholders’ attitudes, leading to the adoption of the new billing system. 4

Competency Analysis

The capstone project has exposed me to a variety of skills and competencies essential for healthcare professionals. Throughout this project, I have enhanced my research and investigation skills to identify healthcare issues and understand their impact on the existing healthcare environment. The assessments in this module have allowed me to explore numerous evidence-based approaches to improve the quality of care and services provided in healthcare facilities. This final exercise has introduced me to the competencies healthcare workers must demonstrate in a professional setting.

As a creative healthcare professional, I aim to advance my career to a more radical stage in the future. Two primary areas I plan to develop further are my knowledge and communication skills. Having assumed leadership roles, I have recognized the need to improve my communication skills. Effective verbal

interaction is crucial for conveying information from top management to subordinate staff. Additionally, I aim to deepen my expertise in healthcare by pursuing a Doctorate in Healthcare Information Management Systems, a long-term goal I hope to achieve by December 2025 while studying part-time.

I also plan to enroll in a short course on health communication and take the ACHE certification exam by June 2024 to enhance my communication skills. Furthermore, I intend to extend my services as a consultant in a private healthcare institution to sustain and develop my healthcare leadership skills. Advanced knowledge in healthcare will enhance my data-seeking skills, allowing me to integrate scientific methods in proposing solutions in healthcare. Finally, the health communication course will help me as a leader to convey information effectively across all administrative levels, preventing communication breakdowns.