MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Organizational Analysis

In addition, learning and growth indicate the required skills and the needed infrastructure in the hospital. Some challenges are still in this perspective need to be addressed such as improving availability of funds to enhance learning sessions and educational trainings per month. Training per employee can cost $4000 per month that needs to be reduced. The gap analysis minus figures show that the company is already doing well in terms of these KPIs and values to achieve better business operations, financial, and customer satisfaction performance. However, the gaps in the positive percentage or dollar amounts show that these gaps can adversely impact the performance of the organization.

Moreover, regarding developing leadership skills and competencies in nurse managers and hospital’s executives, the evidence-based study by Baird et al. (2019) shows that nurse managers’ role has changed from managing one inpatient unit. Nowadays, the nursing managers are playing a huge role for managing various units and employees. This includes creating larger operating budgets and offering safe and quality services to pateints and their families which are beyond expectations. These complex roles of nurses evolve when they develop themselves as leaders. The core and vital leadership competencies in nurses are explained and inferred by Narayanan et al. (2000) study which claims that creating “partnerships” will help nurses to coach the other employees and will allow them to coach and teach other managers in financial and operational management skills.  Moreover, as stated by friends’ et al.  (2020), the most vital nursing leadership skills include thinking vision and strategy, influence on teams, charisma, motivation, passion, empathy, humility, and change management. For instance, the main competency of nurses is empathy and communication that helps them to provide client-focused services and help the customers become more confident due to spiritual behavior of nurses. Similarly, humility and change management allows managers to become effective decision-makers by respecting everyone and boost operational efficiency. In terms of achieving organizational success, such competencies will help nurses to create a culture of empathy and passion that will boost the employees’ morale to work diligently and to stay with the organization for a long time. Passion and communication will allow managers to enhance the team cohesion and will allow coworkers to work with harmony by minimizing conflicts.

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Gap Analysis Template

The following gap analysis of the hospital is based on evidence-based recommendations for improving the performance of organizations in the US in the financial sector. For example, the study by Lim et al. (2018) suggests that improving the business operations and financial performance starts with collecting and leveraging the right data and automate whatever is possible in the healthcare organization. This suggestion means that our organization can provide tools to employees to become useful in successfully determining the satisfaction of customers and stakeholders. This model has also been utilized by other types of industries such as hotels, service agencies, and banking organizations. However, due to the flexibility of the model, it can be easily deployed to any service industry. Moreover, the evidence-based study by DEMİRKOL (2022) also recommends integrating the existing systems with automation to reduce financial pressures on the managers. The focus of this study is also on addressing the gap analysis in service quality that is created when the expectation of pateints in the healthcare organization regarding service quality can differ from their perceptions.

The author states that the organizations must first focus on the needs of customers and seek advice and feedback regarding customer services. The hospital made significant improvement over the past ten years in food given to the patients and using large name tags. The company installed more information desks and improved communication with radios and wake talkies. The quality procedures ensure having more empathy with the staff. However, the patients also disclosed their dissatisfactions regarding communication and lack of empathy by the professionals. For example, customers expect to hear the person on the telephone with after maximum of ten rings. This standard can only be met by the managers who can redefine quality of service and meet customers’ expectations (Dayanara et al., 2022).

The company uses KPI Key Performing Indictors as a discrete measurement to evaluate the effectiveness of its daily business operations. These performance indicators will assist the leaders to identify gaps and operational strategies to reduce those gaps (Crotts et al., 2022). Just like other businesses, the hospital also depends on the services of its professionals to patients. The hospital must oerpate sustainably and reduces costs. For example, financial performance indicators give visibility into performance areas that need improvement in terms of financial costs. These costs are vital to reduce patients’ readmissions. Similarly, the table shows those gaps in business operations, financial operations and customer’s satisfaction which need to be reduced in order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage (Candido & Elleri, 2021).