MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Organizational Analysis

The findings in the table reflect that the macro-environmental factors affect the organization in multiple ways: Change in disease patterns into chronic and tariffs structures require the organization to rely on technologies to take better control of diseases. This would help the patients take part in the decision-making processes. More interconnected social factors include adverse lifestyles of people and rising poverty in the United States (Martins, 2018). Due to lack of physical activities, the chronic disease frequency is likely to increase in the next ten years. Therefore, there is a dire need for the healthcare professionals to shift towards value-based services volume-based services. The budget can be allocated differently and efficiently to reduce disparities in the emergency department. However, the assessment of the appropriate technology is vital to improve health of people holistically.

The organization has been functioning continuously since 1988 (more than 3 decades)The repute is positive within the community. The only medicate-certified organization in the area. 
WeaknessesLack of educational resources to guide the public about medicates. Financial burdens due to gasoline costs. Large number of elderly employees. 
OpportunitiesAvails funds for counseling of patients regarding diet and nutrition.Insurance companies are aiming to work with this organization due to its commitment towards home care The stability of emergency response services is a great sign.  ThreatsFinancial burdens that can hinder the healthcare delivery quality in the futureIn home care industry, the competition is rising sharply. 

Organizational Scorecard Template

The connection of measurement to a strategy map as well as with the measurement system helps to improve the part of non-financial measures in the organization to elevate its strategies and evaluate performance (Kaliappen, 2018). In the balanced scorecard of the firm, there are several measures which should not be overlooked that help to focus on patients’ satisfaction. The perspectives of the customers show how they perceive the organization in terms of its performance. Customers often see a healthcare firm in terms of costs, time, and quality. Moreover, the financial measures are also important to record in the scorecard which talks about economic consequences of actions planned by the leaders to improve organizational strategy. This could include generation of cash flow and operating income or cash in hand on a daily basis. The objective is to measure the revenue growth of the organization and promote cost leadership. In order to reduce training and education skills gaps, the organizational leaders must plan strategies to invest more in re-skilling their employees by educating them and by providing them effective trainings to better align them with the missions of the firm.

MHA FPX 5012 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Organizational Analysis

The performance measures suggested include conducting a gap analysis of employee’s trainings twice a year and getting more financial resources from federal and state Government authorities. Development of better financial management systems can involve performing system audits each month in the hospital. Moreover, focus of the professionals should be on offering counselling-based preventative care that will allow nurses to work with psychotherapists at the diagnostic point and will help to release the patients earlier than possible (Hedvičáková, 2019). This scorecard is aimed at delivering efficiency improvements for the organization which can be expressed in quantitative figures and statistics as shown in the table. Finally, learning and development shows how much the company learns and improve in order to achieve its long-term vision.