Meaning of Protected Health Information (PHI)?

 Protected health information is described as any health information that can be use to accurately identify an individual. Such information is often created or utilized in the course of providing patients with wide range of healthcare services. HIPAA regulations restricts nurses and all other healthcare professionals from indiscriminately sharing or disclosing PHI to unauthorized parties (Kasperbauer, 2020). HIPAA however grants medical and other researchers to access and use PHI data in accordance to its compliance regulations. The following identifiable information is considered PHI Patients and healthcare professionals’ names Health plan beneficiary numbers Social Security numbers Email addresses Account numbers Telephone numbers Birth dates among othersPrivacy, Security, and Confidentiality HIPAA privacy policy guarantees patients the b sole rights to dictate how, when and to what extent sensitive and personal data can be shred by ithers within healthcare systems. This is aimed at protecting and keeping off unauthorized parties from accessing and misuses of sensitive personal data. HIPAA provisions defines data security as the process of safeguarding digital information from access and corruption from malicious motives Confidentiality is a set of regulation, rules to policies that limit access ort restricts a disclosure or unauthorized access of access to any data that is being shared(Kasperbauer, 2020) p.xx). HIPAA data privacy provision. Guaranteed only authorized staff to have access to sensitive data. Enforce data protection policies and regulations. Restrict and mandate healthcare facilities to comply to data privacy and confidentiality regulations Guarantees patients with exclusive rights over their data and how such data is used oversee how organizations implement cyber security policies to avoid misuse of confidential and personal data. Managing Health Information and Technology
Social Media: The Do’s and Do Nots Social Media Do’s for Nurses Nurses and other healthcare professionals should:Always check privacy setting before posting anything on social media oltf9rms. Always add disclaimers to their content.Only post things that are professional. Engage in social media activities at own tine Only talk of the interests and positive things about nursing Separate online personal information from professional information (tovino, 2021 ) . Don’ts Never use organization devices and resources s for social media posting. Never violate employers social media policy. Never post videos and photos of patients on social media platforms. Never utter or write disparaging remarks about co-workers or employers. Potential Consequences of violating HIPAA regulations Willingly and knowingly disclosure of PHI results to criminal offence with criminal charges of $50000 which may be accompanied with up to 1 year imprisonment.. It may also results to employment Termination Healthcare professional may also face professional sanctions (Tovino, 2021). One good example of such consequences is UMMC why lost undecrypted data through laptop theft and was fined $2.75 million Ensure to encrypt all sensitive data Install reputable firewalls. Always to double-check data and files before storing them in the EHRs. Nurses should be educated and continually informed always check and re-check authorization requirements. Properly dispose of paper files containing PHI to avoid accidental exposure. After work always ensure patient folders are closed Special medial should be used wisely and outside work hours. Examples Of Privacy, Security, And Confidentiality Concerns Leaving patients folder open. openly displaying patent’s appointment cullenders Keeping computer and mobile screens accessible and visible to patients and visitors. Poor storage of decrypted data among others How HIPAA privacy violations can be prevented. The importance of interprofessional collaboration in securing health data They establish platforms for sharing insights on best practices for achieving HIPAA compliance, Work with nurse leaders and nurse informaticist and other stakeholders to create and implement data privacy policies. The also oversee continues progress in improvement and updates of privacy policies in healthcare facilitiesWorking with other stakeholders, they also Identify and adopt best cyber security practices to minimize potential insider and outsider threats to secure electronic health information. Streamline documentation in EHRs