How to Write an Observation Essay

what is an observation essay

Have you ever dreamed of drawing a beautiful picture? Maybe a landscape or a portrait of your favorite actor? Unfortunately, not all of us have an inborn talent for drawing or enough time to practice artistic skills. There is a nice alternative: an observation essay.

Observation essays are almost like pictures. But your major tool to create them won’t be brushes and paints, but words and phrases. Of course, a brilliant observation essay example also requires particular skills (the ones our writers posses providing “write essay for me” help. Firstly, you should have either a good memory (when you write about your personal experience) or a good imagination. Secondly, your writing skills also have to be impressive. Finally, it is all about observation. You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes and remember (or imagine) the smallest nuances. But you won’t be able to create a good picture without vivid details, right?

Our guide will help you to figure out what makes an observation essay a special type of writing assignment, and how to compose it in a proper way. We’ll also provide you with a well-written observation essay example so you’ll have a template for your own paper. Take a closer look at this genre. We are sure that you’ll fall in love with it as well as our scholarship essay writer.

Observation essay definition

what is an observation essay

An observation essay is a truly unique type of paper. Officially, it is an academic type of paper. Yet, we’d classify it as a piece of creative writing. (You can check our narrative essay outline example to better understand what we mean here.) Such essays allow readers to feel the atmosphere of the described event or experience. A writer can achieve the effect of presence using accurate wording and vivid details. You can describe in your paper various topics: the first rock con, a weekend with your best friend, or a meeting of a particular support group. Unlike a classification essay outline that is observation essay can show any picture. Everything depends on the painter!

Crafting observation essays is an opportunity to investigate and explore a host of topics, ranging the behavior of human beings to natural occurrences. The goal here is not only to depict what has been observed but also interpret it in a meaningful way.

In order to write a compelling observation essay, there are several key components you should include:

  • Clear description of the subject being observed
  • Analysis and interpretation of the observations made
  • Use of sensory details to create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind
  • Reflection on the writer’s own experiences and biases in relation to the subject

All in all, an observation essay is a powerful tool for the author to contemplate and comprehend their environment through precise examination and contemplation.