How to Cite ChatGPT in Harvard Style
Harvard style is another commonly used citation method, especially in the United Kingdom and Australia. It’s an author-date style, similar to APA, and you’ll find that the method for citing ChatGPT in Harvard style isn’t too different.
In Harvard referencing, a typical citation for software would include the author (which in this case is the company, OpenAI), the year of publication, the title of the software (ChatGPT), the type of medium [Computer software], and where it was accessed.
Here’s an example of how you might cite ChatGPT in Harvard style:
OpenAI (2020) ChatGPT [Computer software] Available at: (Accessed: Date).
In the text, you would provide an in-text citation after any information or quotations derived from ChatGPT. The in-text citation would simply be the author and year, such as (OpenAI, 2020).
Harvard referencing styles may slightly differ depending on the specific rules of the university or publisher, so it’s always best to double-check these details before finalizing your citations.
In all instances, the key is to provide enough detail so that readers can locate the source of information. For AI models like ChatGPT, this means including the tool’s name, the developer, a link to the tool’s website, and the date you accessed the tool.