How to cite ChatGPT in APA Style

In the APA (American Psychological Association) style, commonly used in the social sciences, the correct citation of sources is crucial for maintaining the integrity of any academic writing. When citing advanced AI models such as ChatGPT, it’s important to understand that these are typically treated as software, and the citation should reflect that.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to create an APA citation for ChatGPT:

  • Author: In the case of software, the author is usually the organization or company that developed it. For ChatGPT, this is OpenAI.
  • Year: The year of publication or release should be included. For instance, if you’re citing the third version of ChatGPT, which was released in 2020, you would include “(2020)” after OpenAI.
  • Title and version: Next, state the software’s name and the version number if applicable. In this case, it would be “ChatGPT (Version 3)”.
  • Format: Following the title and version, you need to clarify the format in which the software is presented. For ChatGPT and similar AI models, this would be “[Computer software].”

Now, let’s put it all together:

OpenAI. (2020). ChatGPT (Version 3) [Computer software].

This citation allows readers to identify the AI model you’re referencing, understand who developed it, know when it was released, and locate it online if they need to check or use it themselves. Remember, maintaining accurate and consistent citations is key to producing quality academic work.