HCA 620 Which change model do you think will work best for your evidence-based capstone project?  Re: Topic 3 DQ 2

Evidence-based projects produce positive outcomes in terms of the improvement of the quality of care and patient satisfaction if the results of a project are appropriately implemented. Indeed, the implementation of the results of an EBP project will depend on the amenability of stakeholders, particularly bed nurses in accepting the change. In order to ensure that this becomes the case, an application of a change model becomes pertinent (Olsson, Skovdahl, & Engström, 2016). Whereas several change models exist that could aid in the implementation of the results of the present evidence-based practice project, Rodger’s Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI) will play an important role in obliterating the barriers that may hamper the adoption of call lights to reduce patient falls.

The DOI theory elucidates the manner in which the dissemination of information occurs within definite social systems that comprise of populations from varied populations. Further, this theory expounds on the acquisition of knew knowledge and the perception thereof by stakeholders such as nurses. Also, the DOI identifies the influence that the thought process displayed by people influence their behaviors (Pashaeypoor, Ashktorab, Rassouli, & Alavi-Majd, 2016). Therefore, the DOI has some relevance to the prosed project of comparing the use of call lights vis-à-vis nursing rounds to reduce instances of patient falls at them present facility. According to the theory, the stakeholders will need to comprehend the project and share their insights regarding the manner in which the intervention should be implemented. As a consequence, the nursing stakeholders will need to lay down a framework that will guide the execution of the project. The principal purpose of the framework will not be to implement the project but also reduce misunderstandings amongst nurses. In addition, the change model when applied appropriately will ensure that each of the stakeholders understand their roles within the implementation of the project, which will make its adoption successful as it will have eliminated all the barriers.


Pashaeypoor, S., Ashktorab, T., Rassouli, M., & Alavi-Majd, H. (2016). Predicting the adoption of evidence-based practice using “Rogers diffusion of innovation model”. Contemporary nurse52(1), 85-94.

Olsson, A., Skovdahl, K., & Engström, M. (2016). Using diffusion of innovation theory to describe perceptions of a passive positioning alarm among persons with mild dementia: a repeated interview study. BMC geriatrics16(1), 3.