Expository Essays: What are the Six Types of Expository Writing?
Expository writing is a crucial communication tool to inform, describe, or clarify a topic. It encompasses 6 types of expository writing, each with its unique structure and purpose. These include cause and effect, which investigates relationships between events; problem and solution, offering potential answers to identified issues; comparison and contrast, highlighting similarities and differences between subjects; definition, providing in-depth explanations; classification, categorizing subjects based on shared traits; and process or “how-to” writing, presenting step-by-step instructions or procedures.
Expository Essay Writing
Writing expository essays involves explaining, describing, or informing about a specific topic in a detailed, logical, and straightforward manner. Non-fictional writing revolves around laying out the facts, devoid of personal opinion or embellishment. The prime objective of expository writing is to impart knowledge and elaborate on a particular subject matter so that even a layman can understand it effortlessly.
An expository essay translates to documentation and written communication in nursing, such as patient care plans, medical histories, case studies, research reports, and educational materials. Through expository writing, nurses often explain a patient’s diagnosis, describe a treatment plan, inform about a procedure, or educate about a health condition or preventive measures.
Expository Writing Definition
This type of writing aims to set forth an explanation about an expository essay topic. It presents a balanced analysis, based on facts, without referencing the writer’s opinions or emotions. Instead, it relies on statistics, examples, and other verified data to explain a concept or a phenomenon. This plays a crucial role in documenting patient information, formulating care plans, and communicating with the rest of the healthcare team in nursing.
The Purpose of an Expository Essay
In nursing, each type of expository essay serves a few key purposes. First, it aims to explain or describe a specific nursing concept, theory, or practice, enhancing the understanding of both the writer and the reader.
Second, it provides a platform for detailed topic exploration, promoting critical thinking and analytical essay-writing skills. Lastly, through evidence-based practice, nursing expository essays enable the application of research findings to practical nursing care, which is instrumental in improving patient outcomes.
Types of Expository Writing and Examples
Expository writing, which aims to inform, describe, or explain a subject to the reader, comes in several distinct forms. Each type has a unique expository essay outline and purpose. Here are the six main types of expository writing:
Cause and Effect Essay
The cause-and-effect style of expository writing explores the relationship between events or phenomena. The ’cause’ refers to the event or situation that triggers an action or condition, while the ‘effect’ is the outcome or result of that cause. Writers use this form to examine why things happen (the causes) and what the results are (the effects).
In nursing, cause-and-effect writing might explore the relationship between prolonged exposure to workplace stress (cause) and the increased prevalence of burnout among nurses (effect). For instance, the writer might look into the causes of high-stress levels in nursing, such as long working hours, patient death, and inadequate resources. Subsequently, they would articulate the effects of such stress, including physical and mental fatigue, decreased job satisfaction, and increased turnover rates.
Problem and Solution Essay
In problem and solution expository writing, the writer identifies a problem and then proposes one or more potential solutions. The primary purpose is to present a challenge or issue, delve into its implications, and then present a practical solution or a range of options to address the issue.
A problem and solution essay in nursing might address the issue of medication errors in hospitals, a significant concern affecting patient safety. The writer could first elaborate on the problem, discussing its severity and implications. The solution part might then propose measures such as implementing advanced technology for medication dispensing, enhancing communication among healthcare professionals, and promoting a blame-free culture to encourage error reporting.
Comparison and Contrast Essay
This type of expository writing involves comparing and contrasting two or more different subjects. The comparison aspect highlights the similarities between the subjects, while the contrast aspect emphasizes their differences.
A comparison and contrast piece in nursing could compare two nursing models, the biomedical and the biopsychosocial models. The writer would highlight the similarities and differences between these models regarding their assumptions, focus areas, and application in nursing practice. They could discuss how the biomedical model primarily focuses on biological factors while the biopsychosocial model also considers psychological and social factors.
Definition Essay
Definition writing is an expository style that explains a term, concept, or phenomenon in-depth. It goes beyond the simple dictionary definition, providing additional context, significance, and examples. For example, a definition piece could explain concepts like palliative care or the nursing process, giving readers a more comprehensive understanding of these terms.
In nursing, a definition essay could delve into a concept like “patient-centered care.” Beyond merely providing a dictionary definition, the writer would explain the philosophy behind this approach, and its key components, such as respect for patient values and needs, involvement of family and friends, and collaboration among healthcare providers. They could also illustrate with examples or scenarios for a more comprehensive understanding.
Classification Essay
Classification expository writing categorizes or sorts things into groups or classes based on shared characteristics or criteria. The writer breaks down a broad topic into its constituent parts to help readers understand it better.
Classification writing in nursing could involve breaking down a broad topic, like “nursing roles,” into distinct categories. The writer might categorize nursing roles into direct care providers (like staff nurses), educators (like nurse educators), managers (like nurse managers), and advanced practitioners (like nurse practitioners). Each category would be elaborated upon, explaining its unique duties, required qualifications, and contributions to healthcare.
Process Essay
Also known as “how-to” writing, process expository writing provides a step-by-step guide on how to do something or how something works. It is typically written logically, guiding the reader through the process from start to finish.
Process or “how-to” writing in nursing could detail a procedure such as wound dressing. The writer would provide a step-by-step guide, from gathering the necessary materials, explaining each step involved in cleaning, applying the dressing, and securing it, to the final step of disposing of used materials and cleaning up. Each step would be described logically and detailed, making it easy to follow.