Describe the spectrum of death and dying rituals and practices across cultures. Why are death and dying rituals so significant?


Ray’s Transcultural Communicative Spiritual-Ethical CARING Tool for Cultural Competency: This tool can guide transcultural communicative spiritual-ethical caring action. It uses the acronym CARING to outline the process of transcultural loving communication for patient care: Caring, Advocacy, Respect, Interaction, Negotiation, and Guidance (see Fig. 6-4). It can be used when communicating transculturally with a patient. The CARING acronym is central to the tool, and the word itself guides the transaction to understand the meaning of health and illness for the patient and significant others. The concepts representing the acronym CARING outlined in the tool have been interwoven throughout the narrative texts of previous chapters. Figure 6-4: Ray’s transcultural communicative spiritual-ethical CARING tool for cultural competency. Adapted from Ray’s Transcultural CARING tool in Ray, M, & Turkel, M. (2001). Culturally based caring. In L. Dunphy & J. Winland-Brown (Eds.), Primary care: The art and science of advanced practice nursing. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company.