Creating a Reference to ChatGPT or Other AI Models and Software

When referencing AI models like ChatGPT or other software tools, there are a few critical components to ensure your citation is complete and effective. Here are the core elements that should be included in your citation, regardless of the specific citation style you’re using:

  • Author: This refers to the developer or organization that created the software. In the case of ChatGPT, the author would be OpenAI. Remember, even though a machine generates the text, the team of developers and data scientists behind the machine deserve the credit.
  • Date: Include the year of the software’s release or publication. If the software has multiple versions, you should provide the release year of the version you used. For instance, if you used ChatGPT-3 for your work, the year would be 2020.
  • Title: The title refers to the name of the software or AI model. It should be written in italics to differentiate it from other text, for example, ChatGPT.
  • Source: Lastly, provide the URL or location where the software can be found or accessed. This will usually be the URL of the software’s official website.

Now, let’s combine all these components to create a reference to ChatGPT. In APA style, it would look something like this:

OpenAI. (2020). ChatGPT (Version 3) [Computer software].

This reference indicates where the information came from, allowing others to trace the source if needed.

Creating proper references for AI models and software helps maintain transparency in your work, giving credit where it’s due and providing a resource for readers to explore the tool for themselves.

Citing generative AI content for specific referencing styles

In the digital age, generative AI models like ChatGPT have revolutionized how we create and disseminate information. Many traditional referencing styles don’t have explicit guidelines when citing such AI content. This is primarily because AI-generated content is nonrecoverable, meaning it cannot be retrieved or linked like a standard online source.

However, it’s still necessary to give credit to these advanced tools. As such, it’s generally recommended to base the reference for generative AI content on the referencing style used for personal communication or correspondence.

Let’s explore how this can be done in the APA 7th referencing style:

The APA 7th style is commonly used in the social sciences. The following examples demonstrate how to cite generative AI in in-text citations and the reference list:


  • Author of a generative AI model, Year of the version used


  • (OpenAI, 2023)
  • OpenAI (2023)

Reference list:

Author of AI model used. (Year of AI model used). Name of AI model used (Version of AI model used) [Type or description of AI model used]. The web address of the AI model used


OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Dec 20 version) [Large language model].

Including the full transcript of a response in an appendix or other supplementary materials can further elucidate the context of the AI-generated content.

When using AI content, remember to check the referencing style used in your academic or professional environment for how to cite generative AI. If no specific guidelines are provided, following the format of the examples above can ensure that you’re giving appropriate credit to the AI models used in your work.

For more information, visit How to Cite ChatGPT.