Category: study guides
The Health-Care System And Patient Empowerment
It is unclear if, left to their own devices, the providers who run health systems would aim to promote or restrict patient empowerment. While all health-care systems strive for the good of their constituents, it has been recognized that paternalism has dominated the practice of medicine (i.e., physicians ‘care for’ patients rather than provide clients…
A Holistic Model Of Empowerment
Parallel to this recent rise in empowerment, a number of health-care systems have sought to become more patient-oriented. In the United States, a backlash against managed care and the growing number of uninsured and underinsured individuals with limited access to health care has in part precipitated calls for a more consumer directed health-care system. In…
Empowerment Principles In Health-Care Literature
A recent review of the English language medical literature between 1980 and 2005, summarized in Figure 1, found a range of applications of empowerment principles in health care (Loukanova and Bridges, 2008). First, following more general social and political empowerment movements, 26% of all English language articles in the medical literature on empowerment have focused…
Classification Of Childhood Cancers
Cancer incidence data for people of all ages are usually presented according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). In the current, tenth revision of ICD, cancers other than leukemias, lymphomas, Kaposi sarcoma, cutaneous melanoma, and mesothelioma are classified solely by primary site. For the remaining cancers in adults, the great majority of which are…
Key Health Patterns/Issues Epidemiological And Demographic Transitions And Their Effects On Morbidity And Mortality Patterns
Gaziano (2007) notes that the region as a whole seems to be entering the third stage of the epidemiological transition characterized by degenerative and man-made diseases, although a number of countries are facing a dual burden of disease characterized by decreasing rates of communicable diseases and increasing rates of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). WHO estimates for…
Occupational And Environmental Health Hazard Issues Pertaining To Mobilization And Deployment
Each mission and deployment scenario presents its own set of risks and hazards, not all of which are predictable. Certain missions may present with more obvious hazards (such as combat deployment). However, peacekeeping, humanitarian, training, and stabilization and/or rebuilding missions each may pose unique hazards. One of the major challenges to military occupational health is…
Environmental And Occupational Health Hazard Issues Surrounding Military Service During Peacetime Or Garrison Duty
As a population, military personnel in the United States tend to be younger than the U.S. working population and maintain a higher level of health and physical fitness due to combat readiness and training requirements. Additionally, screening and elimination of individuals deemed unfit for service selects a distinctive population. For example, in 1995, during the…
Application Of Measurement Methods In Public Health Contexts (E.G. Surveillance And Screening In Health Settings)
Government policy documents are beginning to suggest the use of surveillance methods such as repeat surveys over time in order to evaluate policies and success in implementing health objectives (e.g., England; Department of Health, 1999). National mental health strategies should set realistic targets for improvements in the mental health of the population ( Jenkins et…
Purposes Of Epidemiological Methods (Epidemiological Estimates, Modeling Determinants, Treatment Planning, And Needs Assessment)
It makes sense that any data collection using epidemiological methods should be preceded by a careful consideration of the purposes for which they will be used. Yet convention often seems to overtake such considerations. A key question should be whether the purpose is research, audit, or surveillance. Research should aim to answer a key question…
The Impact Of Different Variants Of The Valuation Techniques
Although the academic literature has tended to focus on the most appropriate technique for valuation, it is important to remember that there are many variants of each technique and these too may have important implications. Techniques vary in terms of their mode of administration (e.g., interview or self-completion, computer or paper administration), search procedures (e.g.,…