Category: study guides

  • Planning Techniques for the Next Semester

    As one semester ends, it’s a good time for students to spend some time thinking about the next semester and how they will prepare for their courses, and the obligations that come with a new semester. Many students don’t take the time to plan out their next semester, and as a result, they may find…

  • How to Build Your Soft Skills in College

    Any job that you will be applying for will have a list of requirements and skills for an employee to be able to fit the position. As you might already know all the skills can be divided into two categories – hard skills and soft skills. While the first category stands for particular abilities, like…

  • How to Make the Most Out of an Internship

    Internships might be a blessing or might be a total failure – we never know what the experience will be like. Some students get a valuable opportunity to learn how to implement their knowledge in practice, while others might just waste their time with no money or career growth perspectives. So, while it all might…

  • Tips on Finally Finishing Up Your Thesis or Dissertation

    Time-consuming and complicated academic papers tend to stay unfinished for a long time. It takes much effort to simply force yourself to get it done or even make some progress. It happens because you know how much work you need to do and how frustrating sometimes it gets to find the needed information, structure it…

  • Tips on Beating Back-to-School Anxiety

    Going back to school when a new semester starts, especially after a long summer break, might be a little nervous. We all tend to adjust as time goes by, so you should not worry that the whole semester will be as hard as its beginning. However, there are some things you can do to make…

  • How to Write a Problem Solution Essay in 4 Easy Steps

    There are many essay types that college students face throughout their academic careers. One of such types is a problem solution essay that is quite challenging no matter what your academic background is. It also doesn’t matter if you are working on it for the first time or have some experience with them in the…

  • Difficulties Students Face While Writing Essays

    If you are prone to sitting down behind a laptop for hours looking at a blinking cursor then you have experienced what writers call “writer’s block.” This means that for one reason or another, you just cannot get words onto the page. Writer’s block is something that even professional writers face from time to time…

  • How to Write on Topic That You Are Bored With

    In our previous blog post, we were listing the ways to make studying more interesting and fun. It contains a lot of great tips that you should definitely check out. However, there is also a large segment of studying that we decided to cover in a separate post – how to write an essay on a…

  • How to Create the Best College Class Schedule

    College classes are not that easy to manage, especially if you are a freshman and don’t know anything about time management and schedule options at all. One of the most important things about your class schedule that you need to know is that it might take a while for you to understand what fits your…

  • Effective Study Techniques to Try

    You might think that there is nothing more to add to your study routine. How can studying be different from what you are used to? However, this is not really true. There are multiple study techniques that you should definitely try to achieve maximum effectiveness when spending less time. Let’s find out more about the…