Category: study guides

  • Awe-Inspiring Writing Strategies Famous Writers Used

    March 7, 2019Author: Steve Aedy Creating a decent piece is not an easy thing to do. Whether you need to write an essay, a review, a short story or a blog post, you might face the same difficulties as other professional writers do. So, we have prepared some useful tips from the best authors that will…

  • Tips and Tricks on How to Focus on Homework

    Being tired and annoyed after a long day in school or college is absolutely normal. In such a mood, it’s hard to motivate and force yourself to start working on your assignments for the next day. Many students can’t cope with procrastination looking for the answer to the question “How to focus better?” and end up…

  • Using Study Drugs to Earn an “A”: Why You Should Think Twice

    In pursuit of academic excellence, it has become a common practice among college students to take study drugs. Between classes, clubs meetings, games and summer internships, students have little time to study. And to get a boost of energy for those all-nighters, many decide to take stimulant drugs. “Smart drugs” like Adderall or Ritalin are…

  • How to End a Personal Statement to Impress the Admissions Committee

    Every personal statement is a hard, long-term, and painstaking work. Every student would agree that when it comes to writing a piece like that, it’s hard to start and it’s hard to finish as well. A conclusion is a significant part because it gives that aftertaste that stays after reading it and affects the final…

  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Critical Response Essay

    Students have to write different types of essays all the time. However, they face many problems when it comes to writing a critical response essay. Why is it so hard to manage? What are the main components of it? We will answer all these questions in our complete guide to help you learn how you…

  • Prepare a Persuasive Speech in 5 Easy Steps

    Talking comes naturally to us and we don’t even give our conversations the second thought. But when faced with the prospect of speaking in front of the audience, this seems a burden. By far, the best way to learn how to write persuasive speeches is to read the great ones. But if you are looking…

  • IELTS Essay Writing Tips

    Without a doubt, essay writing is the most challenging section of IELTS. Writing 150 or 250 words in the time allowed is the biggest concern of many students. Indeed, it is quite hard for people from a different cultural background to get high scores on the exam because of the another thinking mode. But with…

  • How to Write a Historiography: Step-By-Step Guide

    A historiography or historiographical essay is an examination of different ways in which historians have approached a particular topic. Unlike a research paper, it is not a study of a historical issue, instead, it is an analysis of how the interpretation of historical events by different scholars has changed over time. A historiographical paper has…

  • Writing an Analytical Essay: The Most Useful Hints

    One of the most frequently assigned essays in English is an analytical essay. In can be a challenging task to complete, but mastering its technique is essential as most academic assignments have a strong requirement to write with an analytical focus. So, what is an analytical essay? The key to understanding the nature of this…

  • Awesome Tricks to Become a Super Productive Student

    Full of enthusiasm and good intentions but have no idea how to get everything done? Even if you are one of those students who attends every class and spends hours in the library each day, this is all useless if you are unproductive. Productivity is the most important skill you’ll acquire as a student. Being…