Answer for HRM 635 Describe how the Christian worldview impacts the job role and duties of an HR representative Re: Topic 8 DQ 1

Answer for HRM 635 Describe how the Christian worldview impacts the job role and duties of an HR representative

Re: Topic 8 DQ 1

Christianity can interfere with employees fulfilling their duties, just as with any other religion. If that individual and their religious beliefs are forced to do something unethical, this could interfere with their religious freedom. The worker may be denied the ability to work weekends if he or she identifies as Seventh-Day Adventist or Jehovah’s Witness. Both of these doctrines consider the weekends holy days. Dress code policies at work would also pose a problem. The wearing of pants at work is optional for Christian women who identify as Pentecostal. Employment discrimination against employees like these is prohibited by federal laws enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). In addition to performing the tasks for which they were hired, employees should also be protected from some procedures that should keep them safe and make sure they are treated fairly. While practicing integrity, excellence, trustworthiness, reliability, and treating others with respect, Christians can still honor Christ in the workplace (Klett, 2018).

HR representatives are responsible for making sure employees understand the job requirements and expectations prior to their hiring. A person’s beliefs cannot prevent HR from hiring them. However, companies are also forbidden from asking about any religious accommodations applicants may require, such as time off. What can be done? Just make sure applicants understand the schedule and expectations (“Religion at work: What HR needs to watch for now”, 2019). It is easier for employees to determine whether a job is right for them if they are informed of the requirements and expectations prior to the hiring process.

Klett, L. M. (2018, August 5). Ethics in the Workplace: 5 Ways to Honor Christ from Cubicle to Boardroom.

Religion at work: What HR needs to watch for now. (2019, May 13).