Answer 2 for HCA 620 Which change model do you think will work best for your evidence-based capstone project?
Thank you for an important post about the application of the PDCA model to your practice change project. Indeed, this model essentially allows one to execute change, constantly enhance processes, and solve problems. One of the principal uses of the model entails planning a change or improvement. After planning, one needs to undertake a pilot test of the desired change. Afterwards, they will have to gather data about the pilot change to ensure that the changed indeed succeeded. Lastly, after getting satisfactory results, one will then implement the change on a wider scale while continuous monitoring it so as iterate as required through repeating the process (Maraiki, Farooq, & Ahmed, 2016). The processes of the PDCA model make it very relevant in the change projects in health care. Given that they ensure that all projects are implemented so as to enhance the quality of care, doing the piloting before the implementation will guarantee that. Further, there is an allowance to repeat a change process, which further ensures success. Therefore, the usage of the PDCA model ensures that a change project succeeds irrespective of the challenges.
Maraiki, F., Farooq, F., & Ahmed, M. (2016). Eliminating the use of intravenous glass bottles using a FOCUS‐PDCA model and providing a practical stability reference guide. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 24(4), 271-282.