History of math in computer science: from origins to modern applications

Since the start, math has been super important in shaping computer science.

Back in the 17th century, a German mathematician named Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz came up with something big: the binary number system. It’s the foundation of digital computers.

Algorithms are another big thing made possible by math. Algorithms are like step-by-step instructions that computers follow to solve problems. They’ve been around in math for ages. But they have become super important in computer science.

In the 20th century, math played a huge role in computer graphics. Geometry, linear algebra, and transformations helped make 3D models and show images and videos on screens.

And today, math is extremely important in computer science. Especially for artificial intelligence. AI uses complex math concepts (like statistics, probability, and calculus) to make sense of massive amounts of data.

Machine learning, which is part of AI, relies on math algorithms to train models (and make predictions). Truly understanding what math is in computer science means seeing how important it is in creating algorithms, as well as solving problems.


AR & VR are like math’s playground, shaping 3D graphics, tracking nimble movements, and crafting immersive realms. For instance, linear algebra juggles 3D object manipulation while calculus choreographs motion.

Math’s fingerprints are all over computing. It’s the mastermind behind problem-solving, the wizard of data analysis, and the architect of virtual realities. Math isn’t just a helper; it’s the magician transforming our everyday lives.

So, let’s learn math!

Computer science cozies up to math like a long-lost sibling. Math is the trusty compass that guides computer scientists through the tangled jungles of algorithms, helping them gauge efficiency with finesse.

To truly dazzle in the realm of computer science, one must possess a firm grasp of mathematical principles. Basic math prowess is the bedrock upon which a computer scientist builds their expertise. A computer scientists needs to have basic mathematical knowledge to excel in the field.

Mastering math is the golden ticket to your child’s future as a programming virtuoso. Our dedicated teachers are always on hand to encourage and ignite that spark of inspiration.