The List of Essential Skills for a College Student

a college student reading a magazine

Have you ever wondered if there is a set of habits and skills that makes a college student successful? Or if there are some skills that a high school student should develop before going to college? We have created a list of such skills that help a college student not only succeed in studying but also get the most out of college years.


This is the most important skill that a college student should possess or develop through the school year. It’s hard to overestimate the importance of self-discipline as it is one of the main factors that affect students’ grades.

Being self-disciplined means valuing your time and making decisions that sometimes might be pretty hard. It’s also about establishing a schedule and following it, putting enough time and effort into studies (even if they are boring), and setting the right short-term goals.

College is a place with numerous temptations like late-night parties, laziness, and alcohol, so it’s often hard for a person to concentrate on their studies. That is why college years might become a real challenge for one’s self-discipline.

Time Management

How often do we hear people complaining that they can’t find time to do something? However, there are also people who can study, work, and even manage to raise kids and have hobbies at the same time. How is it possible? Do the latter have more than 24 hours in a day? No. They just can manage their time successfully.

Time management is not about finding an activity to keep you busy but rather being objective when it comes to planning ahead and setting tasks. When you know how much time you need to complete an assignment, it’s easy to plan your evening and spend time effectively.

By establishing a schedule and planning your activities beforehand, you can achieve success in studying while keeping your social life. When one knows how to manage their time, they tend to procrastinate less and get to work when they get the task instead of waiting until the very last moment. That’s the main reason why students with great time management skills rarely miss the deadlines – they had it in their schedule and completed the task beforehand. If you face difficulties with managing and plannin your time, you can turn to us for assistance with your assignments.

Personal Finance Management

When living far away from your home, there is a lot you need to learn how to do, including managing your finances. It all depends on the amount of financial support you get (if any), but generally, it’s hard for the majority of students to stick to their budget.

Every college student should be able to plan their spending ahead and rationally use their budget. It’s hard considering all the temptations, like parties, concerts, and fashionable clothes. However, college teaches how to make priorities.

Self-Care Skills

Many students who live with their parents face the need to care about themselves only when coming to college. This is the time when they realize they don’t know how to do their laundry, how many times they should change their bedsheets per semester, and where to buy various necessities.

If you are laughing while reading this, then you are probably one of those students who were taught how to take care of yourself and your home, and that’s a great start already. However, if you have never learned how to unclog the shower drain, it’s just the right time to start doing so. There are a lot of things that college students who live in the dorms have to deal with, so being prepared is the must.

Self-care skills also imply paying attention to your appearance and well-being. You will be the one responsible for your health, hygiene, and clothes. So, being acquainted with different medicines and health/beauty routines is highly suggested.

Communication Skills

There’s nothing wrong with being introverted or shy. However, college is not really that place where you can easily avoid communication. So, future (or present) college students should really work on their communication skills.

Talking to your professor, roommate, or classmates might seem intimidating if you are a rather shy person, however, practice is what you need to feel more comfortable in a conversation. Here are a few tips for you:

  • Keep a friendly approach. It’s always awkward when a person who you are speaking seems to not enjoy this conversation (but rather treats you as a burden). You wouldn’t want that happen to you, right? So, don’t be the person who acts like that in the first place. Many shy people seem hostile when approached. Don’t do that, control your facial expression, and be friendly when someone starts talking to you.
  • Be a good listener. There is hardly anything ruder than interrupting a person while they are speaking or not paying attention to the conversation. Make sure to learn how to listen to a person in order to become better in communicating.
  • Show your interest. Ask questions – they are great for establishing contact and finding something in common.

Research Skills

Being in college means writing tons of assignments, which also means knowing how to do your research. This is the type of skill that will significantly help you with your written assignments – saving you time and improving your grade.

Learn how to conduct research and look for the right sources for your works while you are still in high school to make sure you are ready for college assignments. And if you are a college student already, improve your researching skills by creating a list of reliable sources such as Google Scholar in your computer for easier access and learning some tips and tricks on googling the needed keywords.