Grant Application: How to Write a Grant Cover Letter

a student writing a grant request letter sitting at the desk

Many students rely on educational grants. Getting one is a great accomplishment and an exceptional opportunity to graduate without debt. That’s why it’s important to understand which type of grant you can apply for and how to do it properly.

What Is a College or University Grant?

Grant is an option that allows you to study for free. What this means is that you don’t have to pay anything back even after graduating from college, as all of the costs will be covered by the Federal Government.

There is a significant difference between a college loan and college grant. A loan has to be paid back after graduation, and grant, in its turn, is non-repayable.

There are a lot of different grants that students can apply for, depending on the type of school program or specific conditions, such as low income, single motherhood, etc.

What to Do if You Want to Apply for a Grant?

If a student decides to apply for a grant, first of all, he or she has to conduct research on the preferred learning institutions and types of grants they offer. After that, one can start an application process which may vary for different learning institutions. For example, some colleges accept emails, others require letters. So, make sure to find out the procedure for the desired college or university.

Why should you write a letter?

Writing student grant application letters is a common practice in learning institutions. They represent information about:

  • The applicants
  • The programs they want to apply for
  • The reasons for getting a grant

Learning institutions get a lot of applications each year. So, they have to decide which students deserve to receive a grant.

In your letter, you need to provide convincing arguments on why you deserve receiving the grant. You have a chance to explain your situation and provide reasons for a learning institution to pick you. If you’re not sure whether you can do that properly, you can always turn to a professional writing service for help.

How to Write a Request Letter for Grant

Many students ask “How to write a grant proposal for education?” and “What are the specifics of a request letter for a grant?” Like any other formal letter, this one has a similar structure:

  1. Contact information.
  2. Greetings.
  3. Brief information about the program you want to apply for and why.
  4. An explanation of your current situation (for example, financial) and why you need a grant for studying in a particular learning institution.
  5. The showcase of your strongest arguments on why you deserve a grant.
  6. The complimentary close.

Keep in mind that this letter will be the first communication between you and the representatives of a learning institution. So you need to be specific but brief and explain your situation in a laconic and informative manner.

Such a letter is an essential part of your application, just like an application essay. Therefore, you should definitely check our tips on how to write a scholarship essay without struggling.

How to Write Letters for Your Grant Applications?

To make the process of writing such a letter easier, we have prepared a sample grant request letter. Use it to provide your arguments and support your application for the grant.

Sample cover letter for proposal submission:

To: X

[contact information]

From: Y

[contact information]

Dear Dr. X

My name is Y. Currently, I’m a student of [your high school]. I’m really interested in the [desired program] and the opportunities that your learning institution provides.

I’m writing to ask you to consider me for [the name of the grant or scholarship program] award. You can find all the needed materials, such as transcripts, recommendation letter, and financial statements, enclosed. [Also add other evidence that you need to attach. For example, if you are a single mother or you are a veteran, etc.]

Becoming a [type of professional] is my big dream that I work hard to make come true. [List your achievements in studying, participation in sports, community service or volunteering projects and any other facts that emphasize your strengths and diligence]. I would appreciate the opportunity to continue studying and get a degree that will allow me to make my contribution to [the sphere of your specialization].

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

Details are essential

Consider who will read your application letter for funding support and keep your language clear and understandable. Avoid writing ambiguous and vaguely formulated sentences. This is one of the most important pieces of advice for writing any letter to a learning institution. For example, this is one of the rules which you have to stick to when writing your personal statement.

In your letter of the grant request be sure to also mention that:

  1. You want to study at this particular learning institution.
  2. You are interested in the chosen program.
  3. You have conducted research and know a lot about the opportunities that this learning institution provides their students with.
  4. You appreciate the time of the representatives of a learning institution.
  5. You are willing to provide any additional documents if they are needed.

Also, be sure to find ouе the receiver name. Usually, you can find contact information on the website of the learning institution.

Of course, make sure to proofread your letter and fix the mistakes as grammar is important in any type of writing, especially in the formal one. If English is not your first language, you might find our tips on writing in English as your second language useful.