NURS FPX 6017 Assessment 1 Attempt 3 Curriculum Overview Framework and Analysis KP Mission Statement and Course Descriptions 


The mission statement of the curriculum is to develop great nursing staff to be practitioners, instructors, leaders, creators, and researchers via partnership with the community, healthcare providers, corporations, and societies. The goal is to promote improved health for communities through inspiring knowledge acquisition. The curriculum encourages teamwork in learning and training to increase community health by providing students with an innovative learning environment. The curriculum represents the capabilities required for nurses to work in today’s healthcare system. The curriculum consists of nine compulsory subjects: healthcare policy, conversion to baccalaureate nursing practice, a multisystem approach to community health, data analysis in clinical practice, healthcare research, informatics, applied healthcare ethics, nursing research and evidence-based practice, nursing management, and capstone. Health policy is a course that covers the societal, moral, environmental, socioeconomic, and political problems that impact healthcare services provided internationally. Furthermore, public and private sector interests are investigated. Transition to baccalaureate nursing practice provides learners with the position of qualified nurse and guarantees that nurses grasp the basic aspects of baccalaureate professional practice. The course investigates the importance of cooperation, teamwork, and communication in promoting patient safety. Students also investigate nurse practitioner organizations, challenges in the nursing discipline, and the value of professional growth in career development. A multisystem approach to community health encompasses fundamental sociological ideas as well as community nursing. The core themes are community evaluation, illness preventive techniques, and community health promotion. Data analysis in medical care can health system investigation is a program that emphasizes data analysis techniques that may be used in healthcare practice. The course’s core ideas covered are assessment, data description, and unilateral and multivariate analysis statistics. In addition to the nurse’s advocacy function, applied healthcare ethics highlights the role of a worker in moral medical care, healthcare policy, academic research, and experimental activities. Nursing research and evidence-based practice assist students in developing abilities in obtaining and evaluating clinically relevant material. Students also learn to assess research articles (Wood, 2020). Nurse management is concerned with the development of leadership skills that are suitable for professional caregivers. Administration, communication, dispute resolution, management, crisis intervention, and teamwork are examples. The clinical practice capstone course is the final course that allows students to integrate information learned throughout the program as well as exhibit abilities that are congruent with the program learning goals. Students in this course are asked to create a professional project (Linton et al., 2019). The program covers a lot of aspects relevant to clinical practice. While the program includes current parts of professional nursing, it fails to address the topic of gerontology care, which is important in current health service. As gerontological nursing is one of the nursing choices, the curriculum may generate graduate students with inadequate competence in the care of older individuals because not all students select the course. This might have negative consequences, because the existing medical system is defined by an older workforce with complicated healthcare demands.  On the other hand, the curriculum consists of also some optional subjects.

NUR 101- Nursing Fundamentals

This course introduces students to the art and science of nursing. Nursing assessment and history will be discussed in this course. Records, communication approaches, and healthcare challenges and trends are all investigated. Basic human needs, including patient care, are addressed. Clients’ and families’ social, intellectual, and psychological needs are discussed. The course also includes medical terminology, which includes a fundamental understanding of how medical terms are formed and their definitions.

NUR 340 – Culture & Communication in Health Care

Effective communication principles and practice in healthcare environments, with a focus on vision, feelings, visual and vocal communication, aggressiveness, dispute settlement, and cultural background and socialisation. Nursing leadership and facilitation methods in the integrated care team are stressed.

NUR 343 – Women’s Health Issues

This course introduces students to women’s health concerns throughout their lives, utilizing feminist thinking to highlight challenges affecting women’s health.

NUR 351 – Current Issues and Trends in Nursing

This course identifies the rational thought, nurse practitioner, research, and course practise are applied to current concerns impacting caregivers in social, political, cultural, professional, and alternate solution environments. Orientation to nursing emergency preparation, professional engagement, and nursing informatics.

NUR 352 – Ethics in Nursing

This course allows for analytical thinking as well as the development and application of ethical decision-making concepts and frameworks to ethical dilemmas throughout the curricula and across the lifetime. The nurse’s position as an important member of the multidisciplinary ethical decision-making team is emphasized.

NUR 355 – Child Health Issues

Students will have the chance to investigate contemporary and historical health care subjects that have a substantial influence on today’s neonates, babies, kids, and adolescents. The historical, legislative, moral, cultural, and economic impacts on children and families will be examined, with a focus on health prevention and proactive treatment.