How to Create the Best College Class Schedule

a person is finning in a weekly schedule

College classes are not that easy to manage, especially if you are a freshman and don’t know anything about time management and schedule options at all. One of the most important things about your class schedule that you need to know is that it might take a while for you to understand what fits your lifestyle. So, don’t be upset if this semester is not the perfect one schedule-wise. Follow our easy tips and take your time to create a class schedule of your own.

Don’t Overload

It’s easy to face burnout when you have too many classes scheduled each week. Many first-year students make this mistake when entering college – they think they can manage as many classes as they used to in high school. However, it doesn’t work the same way because college students have much more homework to do and much more complicated assignments to complete.

There is a golden rule for freshmen to take no more than four or five classes during the first semester in college. Depending on your major, you might keep up with this number of classes for the rest of your college years.

Choose Classes Wisely

Another hard decision that you need to take is to choose the classes. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind when you are making a choice:

  • Look up your classes as early as possible, preferably before the registration starts. You don’t want to rush when you need to make a choice.
  • Research your professors. The difficulty of the class often depends on the professor and not the difficulty of the material itself. When choosing the classes, make sure you check out the websites that can provide you with information on what it is like to have classes with this or that professor. For example, you might find it useful to simply google professors’ names or visit
  • Balance hard and easy classes. Pick a few classes that demand less to make it a little easier for you to finish the semester instead of pulling out all the hard classes.
  • Base your choice on your interest. There is nothing less motivating than to struggle with the subject that you find incredibly boring.

So, before you choose which classes you want to take the next semester, conduct research to make the right choice without just guessing by the name of the course. Sometimes, you might find very interesting information about your professors that might really change your mind. If professors’ rating is not that good or you find their methods don’t resonate with you, you might want to take this class later when another professor is available.

Avoid Very Longs Breaks

Not everyone is a fan of early morning classes. However, finishing your classes late in the evening is not good as well. Consider creating a schedule that will balance your day to have some time in the evening to work on your assignments and have some sleep in the morning.

It’s great if you can finish your classes early in the day. You might need to avoid long breaks in your schedule. Let’s face it – chances are you won’t spend these breaks very productively. Though, you also should avoid scheduling your classes back-to-back as you will need some time to have your meals and get a little rest.

Avoid Late and Early Classes

As it was already said, early classes are not everyone’s cup of tea. Getting up every day might be not that hard for you if you have a daily routine that allows you to go to bed at the same time each night. However, as a college student, you will likely face the need to stay up late to finish some assignments before they are due. It means that the next morning you will be tired and sleepy. If you are a morning person, you might want to schedule at least 1-2 days a week the way so that you can have a few extra hours before the classes start.

Late evening classes are also not that good. After finishing a late class, you will probably go straight to bed because you are tired. But if you have some extra hours in the evening, you can spend them working on your assignments or meeting with friends. You should also keep in mind that late-night classes sometimes last for two or three hours.

Find Out What Works for You

There is not such a thing that a schedule that would fit everyone. Each person is different, so you need to find out how you want your day to go. You might want to schedule your classes so that you can take longer shifts or vice versa – you need to study in between the classes.

Showing up to your classes is a big deal when it comes to college, and it might give you great results, alongside doing your homework and passing tests. So, make sure your schedule is oriented towards the ability of yours to make it to the classroom.

Wrapping Up

Some students find it hard to balance their daily routine because of their classes schedule. Making a big mistake while scheduling might not be that obvious at first but will eventually affect your productivity. So, make sure you take your time to work on your research and your schedule.