Handling Loneliness During the Pandemic

a girl sitting next to a window reading a book

There are a lot of reasons why many college students face the problem of feeling lonely and depressed. The year 2020, with its pandemic, brought a new perspective on this problem, making it even worse than before. A lot of college students, especially freshmen, admit that they feel down and lonely with all their expectations of the college experience being ruined by reality. So, here is an article that will help you to get through the loneliness as a college student.

Don’t Panic

Whenever you feel depressed about lack of social interaction, you should remember – you are not alone in this. A lot of (and we mean it) students are in the same boat with you with all the pressure that you are experiencing now.

Stats tell us that the pandemic affected the economic and health systems of the majority of countries and also the social life and mental state of the population worldwide. When it comes to students, it’s obvious that living the same life as you are used to is not possible considering the circumstances. That is what makes a student’s life so hard – lots of homework and a minimum of joyful time with friends.

You might feel miserable as a freshman in 2020 because you’ve expected this time to be the most exciting period of your life with all the parties and new people around you. Staying at home with assignments piling up is pretty bad, we know.

However, what should make you feel a little better about this situation is that there are many people out there behind their blue screens who feel the same as you do and are willing to communicate through the Internet.

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of the Internet these days. It gives us so many opportunities that it would be a crime to avoid it.

Be Proactive

Spending time at home doesn’t mean that you should be passive and just wait for the pandemic to stop. Being active and getting involved is the way to beat loneliness and add more excitement to your life.

So, when you need to fight loneliness, you need to fight your laziness too. That is just how you can break out of the circle and add movement and energy to your everyday routine. But how can you do it in practice? Here are a few tips for you:

  • Start doing sports. Even a quick workout will definitely help you feel more energized. Sports also positively affect your mood and brain activity, so there are many benefits for your mental and physical health.
  • Find a hobby or keep up. Hobbies are a source of joy and fun for everyone. It’s hard to think of something else that would be better for your mental state than time spent on your hobby. Playing an instrument or videogames, painting, singing, dancing, or trying some new exciting hobbies is the best way to get rid of stress quickly.
  • Change your scene. Sometimes you just need some changes in your life to feel alive. It’s hard to do with a corona outbreak, but still possible. Find a new location for an everyday walk, change something in your room, and you will instantly notice that you feel better.

It’s not always easy to find that inner energy to change something around you, especially when you feel depressed and overloaded with homework. However, it’s an important step that you need to take in order to feel better.

Find New People

Pandemic affects each one of us, but at least we still can communicate with each other. Take advantage of the Internet and various social media, forums, and chats that are available for you anytime. Of course, it’s not the same as speaking offline in a group of friends, but it’s definitely better than no social communication at all.

There are multiple various ways to find new friends online if you really want to. You can start with asking on a forum or place like Reddit for some basic chatting or online group studying. Finding a study buddy will benefit not only your mental health but also your study routine and procrastination.

Social media is also a great way to find someone nearby (or even overseas) to talk to about your interests, share some cool stories, and laugh together over some memes. You can find people who enjoy the same music, literature, or video games as you do, which will help you start a conversation without much worry.

Seek for Help if You Need To

A lot of students are afraid of turning to a specialist whenever they feel down and depressed. You might think that there is nothing a psychologist can do for you if you feel lonely. However, this is not true. A psychologist can give you some great advice on how to fight depression and the feeling of loneliness and help you find the reasons you might feel so. It’s not always as obvious as you might think.

For example, a lot of freshmen feel lonely because they find it hard to adjust to the fast pace of college life and blend in with other students. Others are fighting with their social anxiety and frights. It’s always great when someone can clarify some things about you and your personality so that you can start working on improving your life.

Anyway, don’t be scared to turn to an expert and tell about how you feel. You might have such a specialist available on campus or find someone nearby for consultations. You might also need some assistance with your homework to relieve stress and pressure – this is what we are here for. Place your order today to get professional help.