The Future of Learning: How Emerging Technologies Are Changing Education

Technology has brought an evolution in the education system globally. Access to education now can not be affected due to geographical distances. Its role in facilitating the light of education into the deepest corners of the world was felt stronger than ever during the pandemic stagnations.

For instance, the inclusion of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality helped the learners have complete unrestricted access to details. Looking at technology’s positive role in ushering in the revolution, the stakeholders are investing more in it so that the benefits can seep deep into the most socio-economically backward societies.

One must understand that the light of education can only alleviate the darkness that bleeds society into millions of cuts (through fundamentalism, fanaticism, and anarchy). Here we discuss how the advent of new technologies worked is changing education. So let’s discuss things here so that you get a deeper understanding of things.

How Emerging Technologies are Revolutionizing Learning

The emergence of new technology trends has undoubtedly jolted the old education system. Technology like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have undoubtedly worked to bring in sustainability. We will dive into the matter via basic information.

Digital Transformation: Facts and Stats

According to available data, digital technology has a great role to play, and it is not a luxury but a necessity in the present sphere of thought. COVID-19, without the slightest of doubts, forced digital education drives. Technology constantly works to drive efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.

Let’s put some statistics to vindicate the fact. Statista observes that worldwide spending on digital transformation exceeded almost 1.59 Trillion U.S. dollars in 2011, and the value has increased exponentially.

The global public cloud markets need to be mentioned, as they reached a whopping 490 billion USD during this time. Even the data analysis plan of global companies has multiplied (18% in the year 2021). These significant observations bring out the global need for digital transformation.

The best example can be given in the form of India and China, where the employees optimized digital technology to gain financial success.

Technology Trends That Change the Future of Education

Technology still has miles to cover, and they work to transform how we think. Let us discuss some emerging technology that paved the way for a better future. Here we put forth some of the trends here. Thereafter we will look at their role and influence of them in transforming education.

1. Artificial Intelligence

A report states that around 47% of the learning tools will be powered by artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence includes the use of bots to provide direction to learners. It eliminates the students’ ande teachers’ hard work, allowing them to carry out the work faster.

For example, the spelling and grammar tools not only work to check the errors but also give syntactically correct suggestions to the users. Thus with the help of the tool, the student can edit their work faster.

2. Learning Management Systems

Learning Management systems of LMS are a technology that aids in delivering pedagogical, high-quality content. At the same time, they help in nurturing communications. With the help of the learning management systems, the guardian can see the assessment marks and the work roster to help the candidate.  This helps integrate technology directly into education and, at the same time, foster assessment.

3. Video Conferencing

Video conferencing has been one of the most effective ways of organizing lessons. At the same time, it simplifies student-teacher connectivity and peer-to-peer communication. Finally, it enables organizing conferences at any time. They are common in schools, colleges, and universities.

4. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a consumer-friendly way that makes learning easy and increases the experimental approach among the stakeholders. Through the help of technology, you can gain an easy understanding of abstract concepts. The tech-driven information gets integrated into the existing system to help create a completely new environment.

5. Blockchain Technology

Safeguarding valuable data is an important aspect of technology development, and it can help the student community benefit from the existing technology. Blockchain technology increases transparency and ensures that assignments and other uploads are not lost.

6. 3D Printing

The manufacturing process helps create a physical object for a digital model file. The particular technology helps add layers of materials. Hence a complete object is built.

The three-dimensional technology not help students understand the students’ capability to understand things but also helps in increasing engagement, which is a necessary thing in learning.

7. Video Learning

Moving objects or visual media is one of the most lively mediums for ventilating thoughts. Films and television were the most important mediums of digital communications. Since the mobile revolution, videos have become common, for instance, especially in the education sector.

YouTube emerged as one of the most-watched platforms enabling the spread of learning worldwide. The experience enriched the student community and helped them know the subject better.

Let’s take down some facts and findings here. A study found that around 98% of educators found videos more engaging than other mediums. Not only this, video learning increased students’ satisfaction by around 91%. They also increased the achievements of the students by 82%. So if you wish to learn any art, you can now access extensive learning material on the YouTube platform.

Emerging Technology: The Ride to Change

The emerging technologies mentioned above have a strong role in increasing learning opportunities. They play a vital role in the emerging tech industry. So let us discuss things in perspective.

1. Easy Access

Technology has enabled us to bridge the gap between the cities, the towns, and the villages. With the help of the internet connection, it has successfully reached the students receding in the remotest corners. Educational institutions are integrated with their websites, and they have helped permeate knowledge to the deepest corners.

Let us give you an example of it. Students are burdened with essays and assignments throughout their learning careers. They have to strike a balance between the essay submission and the modules.

It was quite a difficult task before. But now things have become easy. You can use professional writing services. They are armed with high-quality essay writers or subject matter experts that can provide you with the guidance you need.

2. Cost Effectiveness

Cost-effectiveness is one of the most important components of making general education accessible to people standing in the last corners of the socioeconomic layer.

Access to internet connections opened new avenues of growth and development of education and enabled attaining social upliftment. Therefore the need for high investment in developing modern classrooms still remains intact. Hence, it acted to reduce the cost.

With reduced making costs, the business can easily reach people with lower propensity and better opportunities.

3. Increased Opportunities

The employment of high-end technology in education increased opportunities for the key stakeholders. On one end, the businesses got better opportunities for expansion; on the other, it helped students access high-quality education and learning. The opening of markets created for online business increase opportunities for growth.

The online e-learning markets have crossed USD 315 billion USD, and the markets will keep growing at and CAGR of 20% in the times to come. Hence it has opened new opportunities for the stakeholder to maximize its opportunities.

4. Skill Training

Probably the greatest benefits of online courses and some emerging technologies raised the need for new training and orientation. If you have to get a new opportunity, you have to bring in new skills and competencies, and there is no doubt about it.

Once people started getting knowledge and training on new technology, they got new opportunities. The companies that developed new online courses got new opportunities and benefitted greatly from the development.

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