How to Write a Speech In Under an Hour

a girl giving speech

So, you are having this upcoming event where you need to give a speech but you have very limited time to prepare one. We can help you out. Even if you have only about 60 minutes, you can still come up with a brilliant and fresh speech that will give a great impression of you and catch the attention. Don’t waste your time, better let’s get started.

The Occasion Is Everything

The style of your speech is going to depend on the vent and the occasion. You can clearly see the difference between the speech you give at the wedding of your friends and your graduation. The level of humor you can add to it, the overall tone, and the length of speech might vary drastically, so make sure you consider the audience and the amount of time you will have.

Surely, you might also have to look at the program of the event to understand the overall mood and to have a better view of your place in it. Sometimes you are given a minute or two, for example, when you receive an honor or a prize, so there is no need in writing a 600-words speech. Just thanking everyone and mentioning how honored you are will be enough. This speech will take a few minutes to come up with. But if you are given 10 minutes or more, here is where you need to put your effort and your skills to work.

Remember, that you can also order your speech from us and have it done without even spending time on it. This is the best option for anyone who is not that great at writing speeches or has to concentrate on other things and tasks.

Write So You Can Memorize It

When you are working on your speech, make sure you have at least some plan in your head. Outlining it will be also a nice starting point. But what’s more important – make sure you can navigate it easily. For example, don’t jump from one point to another, and then come back as it will make you lost in the arguments and key points. Slowly move with a logic flow point by point and then sum everything up in the closing part.  

The better you understand what you are writing, the easier it is for you to memorize. You don’t want to read the whole speech from the paper, so make sure you don’t overload your speech with unnecessary numbers or facts that you know you will later have problems with.

Draft Your Speech 

Bullet points of your speech brought together in a list may be a good start for your speech. Creating a short draft doesn’t take that much time but eases the process a lot. You can also use the outline when you giving your speech – it’s easy enough to remember what you should talk about next when you have such an outline on hand. So, you basically achieve two goals at one time.

Starting with a draft is also a great idea if you don’t really know yet what you want to make your speech about, and so you leave some space to add something else later.

Remember About the Main Message

It’s easy sometimes to get distracted by the multiple details, and fancy words that you want to add to your speech because you want it to sound good. And it happens all the time with people who are not used to writing speeches. They tend to forget about the main message that you want to address. Your speech should have the main point and state it clearly. This is why you are giving this speech and this is why are given a chance to give it. So, make sure you elaborate your thoughts without deviating from the main topic. Your draft should help you do that.

The Opening and the Closure

Sometimes the most memorable things about any speech are the opening and the closing lines. They might stick the memory much better than the body of the speech. So, your job is to make this line clear and understandable. 

You might want to draft these parts first. It’s easy to come up with the rest of the speech when you have the basis – your introduction, your conclusion, and your bullet points. This is a strong structure that will allow you to finish your speech much faster and get the best result.

Remember About Your Audience

Ask yourself a question: “Who am I talking to? Who are the people listening to me?” It is a fundamental question that allows you to create a speech that is compelling and coherent. Otherwise, you might get in a situation where you are talking in specific terminology that nobody understands. And it is unacceptable for a good speech that should be engaging and even inspiring. You don’t want to address your speech in a way that people find too complex or dull. So, make sure you consider your audience when you are working on your speech. Some things should be specified or explained in more detail while others might be omitted at all so that the speech is appealing to everyone.