HCA 620 How can a well-written business plan provide a competitive edge?

HCA 620 How can a well-written business plan provide a competitive edge? Hi, thank you making a precise contribution to the discussion. I agree with you that the main aspect that gives a business a competitive edge is its ability to eliminate the potential questions that may arise from potential investors and internal stakeholders (Ingram & Spooner, 2004). This particular characteristic of a business plan can be achieved through the creation of comprehensive components of the same. An organization should ensure that all the components are done satisfactorily by foreseeing questions that might arise. In addition, the executive summary of a business plan also plays an integral role in ensuring that this is the case. Ensuring that the above section has all the pertinent information concerning the business plan is a fundamental marketing strategy as it will not only raise the curiosity of stakeholders to read the document, but also satisfy them that the document captures all the pertinent areas of a proposed service or product. References Ingram, M., & Spooner, K. (2004). A good business plan can put your practice in the driving seat. Pulse, 64(44), 40–41. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=15098032&site=ehost-live&scope=site