for HCA 699 Which method do you think is most effective to get to the staff nurse level?
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (2012) discusses communication techniques and dissemination strategies for health-related evidence, which helps with how to communicate evidence to end users as well as targeting information for the user. Communication can take place through several methods and modalities. Tailored communication, targeted communication to audience segments, narratives, and message framing are commonly used methods to communicate evidenced-based information (AHRQ, 2012). Modalities to accompany these tactics can include email, staff meetings, flyers, and huddles. These modalities can also align with the dissemination strategy. Goals of disseminating evidence include increasing the reach of evidence, increasing staff engagement to use and apply evidence, and increasing the ability of staff to use and apply evidence (AHRQ, 2012). To effectively reach both the staff nurse level and advance practice nurses (APNs), a method of targeted communication can be used. This allows for the communication and information about the EBP project to be specific to the group’s characteristics and is often effective in large-scale communication efforts (AHRQ, 2012). This means that the staff nurse or APN will have the necessary information in a format that applies specifically to their role in the intervention. This tactic can help leaders or EBP disseminators take into account the variables between the end-users when communicating. To ensure that all appropriate audiences receive the information a plan can be created prior to dissemination. This can include who needs the information and a form to validate that they received this such as a roster sheet in a meeting, email receipt, a mandatory online module, etc. Overall, it appears the communication style and dissemination strategy are equally as important in ensuring all key stakeholders and end-users receive the EBP information.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2012). Communication and dissemination strategies to facilitate the use of health-related evidence. Retrieved from