If you google the word “school” and look through the pictures, they’ll tell us much about modern class settings. For example, such elements as chalkboards and textbooks were replaced by interactive learning gadgets in most schools worldwide. The philosophy of a “smart classroom” became widely accepted. And today, it’s quite common to see hi-tech devices throughout the school. Technology and learning go hand-in-hand now.

Today, technological progress influences education and pushes the boundaries capturing more educational establishments by integrating technology into the classroom. And the use of gadgets during class hours is not a novelty when it comes to technology and education.

Now, teachers share assignments through Google Drive and upload lectures to Google Classroom using technology. And finding students googling quick answers or searching videos on YouTube to learn complex material is a usual part of classes.

But does technology in the classroom bring any good for learning? Why do some teachers and parents support banning digital devices while studying?
Going forward, the topic of the use of technology in the classroom is quite controversial. But reading the facts and pros & cons of phones in school provided below will help you to form an opinion.

What Technological Development Has Presented to Us: Types of Gadgets

What are the devices people imagine when hearing the word “gadget”? Just some of the most popular — smartphones, laptops, tabs, or any other devices used in the class room.

At the same time, they’re the basic teaching and learning tools. Using technology in classrooms, students and teachers create, keep, and share:

  • PowerPoint presentations
  • PDFs
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Tests
  • Articles
  • Worksheets
  • Homework assignments
  • Diagrams
  • Useful literature & sources

Also, gadgets serve as communication platforms. If you wonder why phones should be allowed in school, let us just list some convenient apps and services for such purposes in addition to phone usage in school — Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.

And, of course, one of the biggest pros of having phones in school is that gadgets allow people to access the Internet — the greatest source of information.

However, the technological possibilities in schools are not limited to a cell phone in schools the gadgets we mentioned above. There’s an abundance of them — of all types, sizes, and demands. For example, modern students and teachers also use technology in the classrooms:

  • Bluetooth speakers
  • Projectors
  • VR headset
  • Robots
  • Whiteboards
  • E-Readers
  • Headphones
  • Smartwatches
  • 3D Printers
  • Smart Tables
  • Digital Papers
  • Holograms
  • The 3Doodlers, etc.
Playing video games
  • Messaging
  • Scrolling photos
  • Making photos
  • Watching videos…
  • When they do it instead of learning and focusing on lectures, that doesn’t contribute to the studying process. With cell phones at school, children miss vital information. Then, for many of them, it’s hard to catch up with the class.

    Will that enhance their academic performance? Should cellphones be allowed in school? Surely, no. That’s why the teachers who support the anti-gadgets and no cellphones in school movement say that distraction is a №1 reason for banning gadgets during class hours.
    So, it’s evident that kids should be allowed to use cell phones or other gadgets in class only for academic purposes since education and technology aren’t the best combination sometimes.

    Cybersecurity Issues

    Typically, students don’t care about safety and security when they surf the web, use of technology in classrooms, and install apps and other software on their phones and tablets. It is a serious problem because information leakage can make them victims of cyberattacks or fraud.

    Also, kids can get access to information that can have a negative impact on their mental health, whether in a class or at home. That’s why it’s critical to discuss the basics of appropriate online behavior and safe communication, as well as consider all pros and cons of phones in schools.

    Lack of Tech Support

    The use of electronics in school needs solid support. And not every school can afford prompt and professional maintenance of electronic equipment.
    Let’s imagine a quite real situation when a teacher plans a lesson completely relying on devices. And for some reason, everything goes wrong with them. They just won’t work.
    The same applies to students’ personal use of technology in classroom for learning purposes. The “It doesn’t work” issue can happen to anyone. And it can be a great obstacle to the education process. Should cellphones be allowed at school? This point raises a range of doubts.

    Inequality and Discrimination

    Yes, gadgets can lead to discrimination between students. Some of them have the newest and costlier ones, while others — settle for less.
    When phones in the classroom are allowed, many children from the first group tend to boast about it, pay more attention to smartphone functions than classes, and show off.

    Besides, those who can’t afford the recently upgraded, more powerful devices may not have equal and adequate possibilities for studying. Thus, no cell phones in class don’t sound like a bad idea.

    Health Issues

    It’s well-known that overuse of gadgets encourages a sedentary lifestyle and causes serious health problems. Unregulated uses of cellphone tend to cause:

    • Neck and back pain
    • Obesity
    • Poor posture
    • Eyestrain
    • Stress
    • Musculoskeletal disorders
    • Weight gain and obesity
    • Hand pain
    • Sleep disorders, etc.

    This list of cons of having phones in school is far from being exhaustive. So, should phones be allowed in school? The list above really makes you think.