How to Deal with Exam Stress

An exam is not only a test of knowledge, quite often it’s a strong psychological trial for many students. A lot of young people experience very strong emotions, after all, their future depends on their success during exams – admission to the desired university, the size of a scholarship, marks on the diploma. There are a few tips that can help students control themselves to obtain the best results this semester.


1.    Practice deep breathing

Try to do a simple exercise by taking deep breaths. Count to three as you inhale, and the same as you exhale. If you breathe evenly and deeply, then you calm down automatically because your body perceives smooth abdominal breathing as a signal to relax.

2.    Laugh

Malaysian scientists have proved that laughter not only prolongs life but also relieves stress, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep. Thirty students went through the laughter therapy course for 9 days before their exams. These classes included training special breathing techniques which simulating human laughter. Malaysian students laughed for a few hours a day and as a result, all of them passed exams without problems.

3.    Eat right

Try not to over-stimulate yourself by consuming too many caffeinated beverages, like coffee and energy drinks. In fact, now’s the time to start a healthy lifestyle! Don’t miss your breakfast, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget that eating bananas and dark chocolates fights stress hormones and has a catchall relaxing effect on your body.

4.    Do exercises or meditate

Make exercises part of your schedule. Nothing is able to reduce your stress faster than physical activity. Practicing meditation is another way to refocus improving both mental and physical conditions to fight against your exam stress. By the way, you can meditate while taking a shower as water helps to relieve stress very effectively.

5.    Use puppy therapy

Some American, Canadian colleges and universities provide anti-stress rooms with puppies where students can play or snuggle up to dogs, reducing their stress and anxiety. One of the reasons why it happens is that pets fulfill the basic human need to touch. So don’t forget to hug your furry friend more often!

6.    Take a walk

Another thing that helps relieve the level of your stress is to get some fresh air by going on a brisk walk. So if you think that cramming for 24 hours a day will help you pass your exams and get the best marks, then you’re grossly mistaken. It’s necessary to take breaks between your studies. And one of the best ways to benefit from your break is to walk outdoors for at least half an hour a day. While walking, try to pull all thoughts connected to your coming exam out of your head, breathe deeply, listen to birds sing and don’t worry about anything!

7.    Sleep well

If you can’t memorize a current topic, your eyes are bloodshot and you’re irresistibly sleepy – it’s time to meet the Sandman. Adequate sleep is the best remedy for stress before your exams. Your brain needs timely and proper rest for 8 hours a day, otherwise, all of your efforts will be wasted from cramming at night.

8.    Try creative visualization technique

Psychologists suggest using the technique of creative visualization by lying in bed before going to sleep and trying to relax and imagine how you will pass the exam. In your mind’s eye, imagine how you will come to the classroom, how you will get your assignment and how calmly and effortlessly you will complete it. Set yourself up for success. When the day of the exam comes, you will be much more relaxed.