Useful Study Tips for Online Students

If you have started to think about online education or already picked online courses this summer, then our advice will be very useful for you. Below are 5 tips that will help to orient you where to begin, will focus you on the important points and will aid to set your priorities.


1.    Acquaint yourself with the syllabus and be a techie

One difference between the online and physical classes is that in the second case, the professor reminds you about homework and due dates quite often. With online courses, you have to be responsible for it and your online curriculum becomes the only way to follow the timeline of assignments. Acquaint yourself with the syllabus, reading through the outline very attentively to understand the requirements of your online course. It’s also important to look through the course pages and familiarize yourself with all components of the website. Don’t forget to browse all software requirements and other additional documents, which you have to download. Your online education will be much more productive if you dive into all these things straightway!

2.    Relate to it like it’s a traditional class

It’s not as easy as it sounds, but you need to treat the online course as a traditional one. Online classes are even more demanding because there are no exact instructions and guidance. So it’s obvious that you have to study not less than in the physical classroom. But the good thing is the flexibility and the opportunity to set a schedule that benefits your complicated lifestyle. How to keep yourself focused on your online courses? Create your own classroom environment in the place where you plan to study, schedule a regular time for your education and avoid distraction websites by using tools like Self Control app. Find out more useful apps for students in our blog post 50 Best & Free Apps For College Students.

3.    Communicate with your professor and study group

Probably you will not be able to meet your professor or chat with your classmates in person, but actually, you have an opportunity to communicate with them not less than in a physical class.  Save your professor’s contacts and ask him questions to establish rapport with him. It will help you to reach him quicker in the future. Moreover, don’t forget to add a class roster that to browse updated messages, emails and other useful information every day. If there is no study group yet, create it by yourself. There are plenty of tools for communication. Be active, participate in discussions, ask questions and share knowledge with fellow students.

4.    Manage your time

Online classes require you to make your own schedule, to respect deadlines that to complete all tests and assignments in time. You have to teach yourself and learn information at the same time. If it’s a new challenge for you, better to read materials about time management first. It will help you to learn how to create good study habits, set priorities, avoid procrastination, distractions and practice effective study techniques. But make sure you don’t overload yourself and have time to sleep, eat, socialize, etc. In other words, successful time management is a balance between all spheres of your life.

5.    Ask for help if something isn’t going right

A lot of only colleges have support systems to make the study process easier for online students. There are a lot of departments which you can interact with during your education. Don’t be afraid to ask online instructors or your program director even silly questions if you need help, whether it’s a technical, financial issue or some trouble with the class environment. Keep in mind, your time is limited and it’s part of what you are paying for.