Why is a subjective exam conducted?

A subjective exam is concerned with testing the understanding of the candidate’s learning about a particular subject. It involves writing answers to the questions. Thus enabling the examiner to check the desired proficiency level.

Candidates appearing in the exam have their own viewpoint. The way of writing and expressing in the form of answers also differs. This shows the level of grasping ability, understanding and knowledge of the subject.

The examiner also can analyse the answers of the candidates easily. It provides an opportunity to rate and measure the performance of the candidates.

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Subjective type questions for Exam Online

Subjective type tests include the following type of questions:

Short answer questions

As the name suggests, these are questions that require short sentence answers. It can be a word, phrase, short sentence, number or a symbol.

For example:

  • Gigabyte is used to measure __________ of the computer.
  • List the various types of aquatic animals.

Essay type questions

The answers to these questions are long and as the name suggests essay type. The questions are designed to check the writing capabilities of the candidate. The candidate needs to structure the answer and provide a limited response to the specified criteria of the question.

For example:

  • Define critical thinking. State the advantages and disadvantages of critical thinking.
  • State the different sources of energy.
  • Difference between regular and distance education.
  1. Scenario – Usually, scenario questions are asked during a hiring process. These are designed to assess how well the candidate is prepared to manage the challenges and opportunities at a workplace.

    For example:

    1. Describe a situation where you were not satisfied with your job.
    2. Write about a time when you went above and beyond for work.
  2. Summaries – Summaries are written for capturing the essence of a paragraph, story or a poem. A summary is usually written in 100 to 150 words. This helps the examiner in evaluating the viewpoint of the candidate.
  3. Stories – Story writing is a kind of work based on the imagination and ideas of the candidate. It should be easy to understand and grammatically correct. Story writing has to be direct and short.
    It consists of 5 key elements namely character, setting, plot, conflict and theme. And the word limit is 200-250 words.For example: There was a joint family of six members including grandparents. It was the 75th birthday of the grandmother and the family planned to celebrate … … …
  4. Opinions – In these types of questions, candidates are asked to write their opinion about the topic shared. The answer is neither right nor wrong. It all depends on the agreement and disagreement of the candidate and the points supporting it.For example: Science and technology experts seem to be more valued by modern society than musicians and artists. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your response.

Subjective exam pattern

The pattern of the subjective exam varies from the type of exam to the institute and organization conducting it.  Entrance tests, qualifying tests, board exams, university exams, and course tests.

Subjective exam pattern is based on:

  • Total time of the exam
  • Questions
  • Marks for each question
  • Words/ sentence limit for each question