NR509 Advanced Physical Assessment Midterm Exam Review


Here is the reproduced information with the word “correct” inserted for every correct answer:

  1. When performing a visual acuity test the nurse practitioner notes 20/30 in the left eye and 20/40 in the right eye using the Snellen eye chart. This means:
    • c) correct refer the patient to an ophthalmologist
  2. The American psychiatric association’s diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder defines Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy
    • b) correct a caregiver making up or causing an illness or injury in a person under his or her care
  3. Symptoms of depression are a side effect of which neurotransmitter medication?
    • a) correct dopamine serotonin, norepinephrine
  4. Which lesion is dark raised and asymmetric with an irregular border? Quizlet Bates Chapter 20
    • d) correct Melanoma
  5. A 32 years old woman presents with dull puffiness of the eyes pronounced not pitting periorbital edema. This finding is suggestive of this condition? APEA
    • b) correct Myxedema
  6. A 42 years old woman with a past medical history of migraine headaches is requesting prophylactic medication treatment. Which medication should the Nurse practitioner prescribe?
    • b) correct Amitriptyline (Elavil)
  7. A pediatric patient has areas of scaling on the scalp with round patches of alopecia. This clinical finding is consistent with:
    • a) correct Tinea capitis
  8. Why would a combined hormonal contraceptive be contraindicated in a 36 year old patient with a past medical history of type 2 diabetes, obesity, chronic smoking and sedentary life
    • c) correct Her age and tobacco use
  9. During the breast examination of a perimenopausal woman the NP detects a bloody spontaneous discharge from the right nipple. This indicates further evaluation.
    • c) correct An intraductal papilloma
  10. Rh negative women should receive Rho (D) immunoglobulin at what gestational time?
    • c) correct 28 weeks
  11. When interpreting a complete blood count (CBC) lab report which of the following results describes the size of the RBCs?
    • b) correct Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
  12. What medication should be avoided when prescribing prophylactic therapy for a headache
    • c) correct Venlataxin (Effexor)
  13. What is the mechanism of action of prostaglandin E1 (PG1) in a patient with the transposition of the great arteries
    • c) correct To produce vasodilation on …………….
  14. Which of the following complaints best describes lower extremity calf pain associated with peripheral artery disease
    • b) correct A dull pain or cramp
  15. Which of the following conditions is NOT a typical finding of hyperprolactinemia in a 47-year-old premenopausal woman?
    • b) correct Gynecomastia
  16. When treating a patient with asthma who is experiencing acute wheezing which medication should be given to relieve the symptom?
    • a) correct Short acting bronchodilator
  17. Which immunization reduces a patient’s risk for infection with the virus that causes a painful localized blistering rash?
    • c) correct Shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine
  18. Headache warning signs that need prompt investigation include all of the following EXCEPT:
    • d) correct Headache relieved with mild infrequent use of analgesics
  19. The client with iron deficiency anemia should be advised to take the iron supplement
    • c) correct On an empty stomach between meals
  20. Which one of the following statements is true of Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
    • b) correct Under the supervision of adults other than the abuser, the patient does not exhibit symptoms
  21. Which of the following is the most common presenting sign of substance abuse in adolescents?
    • d) correct changes in behavior
  22. A woman is 11 weeks pregnant and has a maternity history of one full term vaginal delivery, a set of premature triplets delivered vaginally, and a first-trimester abortion. Using her TPAL system to document her maternal status
    • a) correct Gravida 4 para 1114
  23. The nurse practitioner palpates an enlarged right epitrochlear lymph node in a 30 years old patient. The Nurse Practitioner should assess the patents
    • c) correct Right forearm and hand
  24. Anticholinergics are indicated for the treatment of
    • c) correct Urge incontinence
  25. A patient presents with signs of chest pain, the nurse practitioner observes jugular venous distention. Their finding is consistent with
    • b) correct Heart failure
  26. On examination of the neck, a dome-shaped lesion in the dermis forming a benign closed firm sac attached to the epidermis is noted on the right lateral side of the neck. The type of lesion is known as
    • c) correct A cutaneous cyst
  27. Symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation are associated with:
    • b) correct Gastroesophageal reflux
  28. A 70 years old man walks 20 minutes most days of the week. He has begun to complain of pain in his left calf when he is walking. The problem has gotten gradually worse and now he is unable to complete his 20 minutes walks without stopping to rest. What choice best describes the pain associated with peripheral artery disease?
    • b) correct A dull pain and cramp
  29. Papilledema is a cause for concern because it is suggestive of
    • c) correct Increased intracranial pressure
  30. A 38-year-old patient with a history of abdominal pain presents to the nurse practitioner. Findings reveal superficial edema and bruising in the subcutaneous fatty tissue around the umbilicus. Hemorrhagic pancreatic is suspected because of which finding?
    • b) correct A positive Cullen’s sign
  31. A 57 years old post-menopausal female presents with a complaint of vaginal burning, pruritus, and painful intercourse. On examination, the nurse practitioner would be most concerned with the findings
    • c) correct A friable cervix
  32. What intervention does the American College of Rheumatology recommend as first-line therapy for Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or something else
    • d) correct Exercise and weight loss