NURS FPX 4050 Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues – Sample Outlining Effective Strategies for Collaborating with Patients and their Families to Achieve Desired Health Outcomes

Family-and–patient-centered care is the cornerstone of providing high-quality care. However, healthcare providers can realize family-and-patient-centered care if patients and their families are engaged in care delivery. Patient engagement entails the active participation of family and patients in healthcare delivery by partnering and collaborating with health professionals. Collaboration with patients helps healthcare providers to capitalize on their networks and expertise to boost care delivery (Goodridge et al., 2018). The resultant effect is reduced wastage and healthcare cost, effective response to the patient’s evolving needs, and enhanced transparency in the decision-making process. Healthcare providers can use multiple strategies to engage patients and their families in care delivery. The strategies include patient education, personalized care planning, self-management support, shared decision-making, two-way communication, and enhancing the patient’s psychological safety (Menear et al., 2020).  Effective communication makes patients feel safe sharing their concerns with the healthcare providers.  Healthcare providers should receive patients’ viewpoints without judgment and openly. Equally, patients should be transparent about their compliance to treatment, clinical signs and symptoms to facilitate effective engagement.


NURS FPX 4050 Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues

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Patient education results when healthcare providers engage with individual families or patients, and enhance access to health resources, including web-based portals and education materials. As a result, patient education enhances compliance because patients understand the recommended guidelines and the consequences of skipping medications. The resultant outcome is reduced hospitalizations, improved clinical outcomes, and improved quality of life (Menear et al., 2020). Engaging patients and families in shared decision-making improve health outcomes.  Clinicians work with patients  to identify treatments, care plans, and tests based on scientific evidence through shared decision-making. Delivering continuous care also engages patients and families in care delivery.  For instance, healthcare providers can contact clients to inquire about their healing or health journey. Continuous care enhances patients’ adherence to their treatment regimen, reduces hospital visits, and increases patient satisfaction.