NR 509 SOAP Note Week 4
Advanced Physical Assessment (Chamberlain University)
Patient Information:
- Initials: BF
- Age: 58
- Gender: Male
- Height: 5’11”
- Weight: 197 lbs
- BP: 146/90
- HR: 104
- RR: 98
- Temp: 36.7°C
- SPO2: 98% RA
- Pain Rating: Not reported
Allergies (and reaction):
- Medication: Codeine (Nausea & Vomiting)
- Food: N/A
- Environment: N/A
History of Present Illness (HPI):
- Chief Complaint (CC): Chest Pain
- Onset: Earlier this month, has occurred three times in the past month
- Location: Middle of the chest, over the heart, non-radiating
- Duration: A couple of minutes
- Characteristics: Tight and uncomfortable in the middle of the chest
- Aggravating Factors: Worsens with physical activity
- Relieving Factors: Lying still offers some relief
- Treatment: No medications, just rest
Current Medications:
- Metoprolol (Lopressor): 100 mg PO Daily (1 year) for BP
- Atorvastatin (Lipitor): 20 mg PO Daily HS (1 year) for cholesterol
- Omega 3 Fish Oil: Not reported
Past Medical History (PMHx):
- Up to date on all immunizations
- Denies previous hospitalizations or surgeries
- Denies previous diagnosis of angina, CAD, DM, or previous chest pain treatment
- Positive history for HTN and elevated cholesterol
- Reports infrequent BP monitoring at home
- Recent EKG test and annual stress test were “normal”
Social History (Soc Hx):
- Employed at a civil engineering firm
- Low stress lifestyle
- Diet: Grilled meats (4-5 times a week), sandwiches, vegetables
- Drinks 1-2 cups of coffee a day, denies tobacco use
- Reports alcohol use (2-3 drinks a week in one sitting)
- Denies soda consumption, drinks 4 glasses of water/day
- Denies regular exercise routine
Family History (Fam Hx):
- Maternal grandfather died of a heart attack at a young age
- Father died of colon cancer
- Mother and sister have DM
- Daughter has asthma
- All family members have elevated BP
- Denies family history of stroke or PE
Review of Systems (ROS):
- Denies fatigue, weakness, fever/chills, weight gain/loss, trouble sleeping, night sweats
- Denies itching, rashes, nail changes, skin color changes
- Denies diplopia, eye pain, eye redness, vision changes, photophobia, eye discharge, earache, tinnitus, epistaxis, vertigo, hearing changes, hoarseness, oral ulcers, sore throat, congestion, rhinorrhea
- Denies cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheezing, pain on inspiration, sputum production
- Denies syncope, lightheadedness, headache, numbness, tingling, sensation changes, speech deficits
Cardiac and Peripheral Vascular:
- Reports chest pain (center chest, several minutes, 5/10 pain)
- Reports exercise intolerance (pain with yard work/stairs)
- Denies SOB, orthopnea, edema, murmurs, palpitations, faintness, claudications, PND
- Denies pain, stiffness, crepitus, swelling, limited ROM, redness, misalignment
- Denies nausea/vomiting, dysphasia, diarrhea, appetite change, heartburn, blood in stool, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding
- Reports food intolerance (chest pain with big meals/steak)
- Denies urgency, dysuria, burning, hematuria, polyuria, nocturia, incontinence
- Denies stress, anxiety, depression, suicidal/homicidal ideation, memory deficits, mood changes, trouble concentrating
- Not applicable
- Denies anemia, easy bruising/bleeding, past transfusions, enlarged/tender lymph nodes, blood or lymph disorder
- Denies abnormal growth, increased appetite, increased thirst, thyroid disorder, heat/cold intolerance, excessive sweating, diabetes
- Pleasant 58 y/o male, A&Ox3, clear speech, no physical distress or signs of pain currently
- No tenting
- Unable to assess
- Fine crackles in posterior right and left lung bases
- Respirations even and unlabored, breath sounds clear to auscultation in upper lobes and right middle lobe, chest symmetric, no visible abnormalities
- Unable to assess
- Right side carotid bruit, S3 noted in mitral area
- No JVD, JVP 3cm above sternal angle, no bruit in left carotid
- Brachial, radial, femoral pulses 2+ without thrill
- Popliteal, tibial, dorsalis pedis 1+ without thrill
- Cap refill <3 in all extremities
- S1 & S2 without murmurs or rubs
- No edema in extremities
- Abdominal aorta no bruit
- No bruit in abdominal or lower extremity arteries
- SR with no ST elevation on EKG
- Unable to assess
- Liver palpable
- Bowel sounds normoactive in all quadrants
- Spleen & kidneys not palpable
- No friction rub present in organs
- All abdominal areas and spleen tympanic on percussion
- Percussed liver span between 6 and 12 cm
Problem List:
- Uncontrolled HTN
- Intermittent chest pain
- Activity intolerance
- Lung base fine crackles
- Moderate alcohol consumption
- Enlarged/palpable liver
- High red meat intake
- Right carotid bruit
- Mitral area S3 sound
- Congestive heart failure
- Family cardiac history
- Poor diet habits (fast food, multiple times/week)
- Increased caffeine consumption
Diagnosis & ICD-10 Codes:
- Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with angina pectoris with documented spasm (I25.111): +Hypertension, +Dyslipidemia, -Smoker, +Family History of CAD, +Sedentary lifestyle, -DM, -CKD, +Angina
- Congestive Heart Failure (I50.20): +Chest pain, -Frothy sputum, -Blood tinged sputum, +Lung base crackles, -Edema, -Lethargy, -Wheezing
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (K21.9): +Chest pain, +Chest pain after eating, -Nausea, -Vomiting, -Belching, -Regurgitation, -Difficulty swallowing, +Heartburn
- Lipid Panel, Fasting (LDL, HDL, Cholesterol, Triglycerides): Evaluate levels of lipids/cholesterol in blood for medication adjustment if necessary, to prevent further atherosclerosis
- CK/ CK-MB Blood Test: Tests for elevated Creatine kinase in the blood, indicating muscle damage; CK-MB test more specifically for heart muscle damage
- Troponin Blood Test: Elevated blood levels can indicate heart injury
- Continue Previous Medications as Prescribed
- Aspirin (Bayer): 81 mg PO QD, long-term, continuous
- Nitroglycerin: 0.3 mg pill sublingual q5min; maximum 3 doses within 15 minutes, PRN
- Cardiology: Consultation for further evaluation of heart disease, angina, and sclerosis; potential for additional testing such as stress test/heart cath
- Utilize nitroglycerin for chest pain not resolved by rest
- Decrease fats in diet, reduce red meat and fast food intake
- Monitor weight daily, notify physician of significant changes or swelling
- Follow-up within four to six months unless symptoms worsen; call the office for changes in physical activity, symptoms, adverse effects of medication, or new chronic conditions
- Seek immediate medical attention for continuous chest pain not relieved by nitroglycerin, or worsening symptoms affecting breathing or spreading to limbs
- Katz, P. O., Gerson, L. B., & Vela, M. F. (2013). Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 108(3), 308–328.