Promoting Health and preventing ill health – Suggested Essay Outline

Promoting Health and preventing ill health – Suggested Essay Outline Develop a health profile for a community/population living in a local community in England. You will identify health risks and discuss possible advice and support could you as a nurse give them to promote their health and wellbeing.

Core Your Notes
Develop a health profile for a Community/Population living in a specific area of England. You will identify health risks and discuss possible advice and support could you as a nurse give them to promote their health and wellbeing. (2500 words plus reference list)   Learning Outcomes (You need to pass the below 3 learning outcomes to pass this assignment)   1.      Critically analyse and evaluate the concept of health and wellness, taking in to account the determinants of health, their relevance to health and wellbeing and the impact of inequalities of health on individuals and populations.   2.      Critically appraise and develop knowledge to systematically assess the health needs of individuals, families and populations taking account of relevant epidemiological and research evidence.   3.      Examine the impact of economics and health and social care policies on public health and provision of healthcare.
Introduction What are you going to discuss in the essay and why ·        The importance of the role of the nurse in promoting health and wellbeing across the life-course. ·        The importance of your field of nursing in promoting health and wellbeing.  
Background (sources and evidence must be cited as appropriate) ·        As we are exploring the health of a community/population we will need to start with a definition of health and wellbeing. Discuss that you will use the World Health Organization 1948 definition of health as your starting point. ·        The usefulness of health profile for understanding more about the health status and health risks of a community/population in relation to where they live.  
Body of Essay/Main Section (sources and evidence must be cited as appropriate)   ·        Identify briefly the Community/population that will be the focus of your essay. ·        Identify and discuss demographic (age, sex, ethnicity, employment status, educational achievement, where they live) data that can help to inform you about the Community/Population current health and wellbeing status. ·        Identify and discuss what physical, mental and social health and wellbeing information about the Community/Population and what would it tell you about their physical health (height; weight; circumference measurements, lifestyle (information on diet, smoking, drinking and so on); mental health (how satisfied they are with their life, whether they have been feeling happy or unhappy); social health (hobbies, outside interests, what family and friend networks/support they have and so on). ·        Identify and discuss what the above information could tell us about the health and status risks that your Community/Population currently has e.g., not eating fruit and vegetable to Public Health England recommended guideline levels; not engaging in physical activity to Public Health England recommended guideline levels; ·        What advice and support would you give your Community/population including who would you signpost/refer them to for further advice. ·        What Public Health Policy might influence their decisions about their own health and wellbeing? ·        What things might you look out for about the community/population which might influence their health and wellbeing and how would you take this into account in the advice and support you give?
Conclusion (sources and evidence must be cited as appropriate) Discuss: ·        What are the strengths and weaknesses of using a health profile to understand the health and wellbeing of an Community/Population and what additional information could you gather?
References ·        Ensure referencing and in-text citation follows Cite Them Right Online recommendations for Harvard-style referencing. Use the short guide to referencing found on the Module Blackboard site.