This week’s discussion is focused on Carl Rogers and his patient-centered approach to therapy. Consider the foundational aspects of this therapeutic modality, unconditional positive regard, as well as authentic and genuine presence. Carl Rogers and His Patient-Centered Approach to Therapy Carl Rogers and His Patient-Centered Approach to Therapy What aspects of this therapy modality are appealing to you or not appealing to you? Do you see any correlations between this therapy modality and the nursing care that you have provided for years?

Carl Rogers and His Patient-Centered Approach to Therapy

Carl Rogers and his patient-centered approach to therapy have significantly contributed to psychology. One of the foundational aspects of this therapeutic modality is unconditional positive regard. This concept involves the therapist providing a non-judgmental and accepting attitude towards the client, regardless of their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors (Katz & Keyes, 2020). This approach creates a safe and supportive environment for clients to explore their inner experiences and promote self-growth.

The notion of unconditional positive regard is appealing to me for several reasons. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding in the therapeutic relationship. Accepting clients without judgment makes them feel validated and valued, which can enhance their self-esteem and overall well-being (Nolte et al., 2020). Secondly, it recognizes the client as the expert of their own experiences, empowering them to participate in therapy actively. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of autonomy and self-determination, promoting personal growth and self-actualization. Another aspect of Rogers’ approach is emphasizing authentic and genuine presence. This involves the therapist being congruent and transparent in their interactions with clients. By being genuine, the therapist creates an environment of trust and authenticity, allowing clients to feel comfortable expressing themselves openly (Nolte et al., 2020). This authenticity also helps to establish a strong therapeutic alliance, which is crucial for positive outcomes in therapy.

Regarding correlations with nursing care, I see several parallels between Rogers’ therapy modality and the nursing care I have provided for years. In nursing, it is essential to approach patients with empathy, respect, and a non-judgmental attitude, similar to unconditional positive regard (Katz & Keyes, 2020). This attitude promotes a therapeutic environment where patients feel safe and supported, facilitating their healing process. Moreover, being authentic and genuine is crucial in nursing care. Patients are likelier to trust and engage with healthcare providers who demonstrate honesty and authenticity. By establishing a genuine presence, nurses can build rapport with patients, enhance communication, and promote a collaborative relationship, similar to the therapeutic alliance in Rogers’ approach (Corey, 2016). Overall, Carl Rogers’s patient-centered approach is appealing due to its emphasis on empathy, acceptance, and authenticity. These aspects align with the core principles of nursing care, emphasizing the importance of building therapeutic relationships and providing holistic care.


Corey, G. (2016). Theory and practice of counselling and psychotherapy, enhanced. Cengage learning.

Katz, J., & Keyes, J. (2020). Person-centered approaches. In Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology (pp. 31-52). Routledge.

Nolte, E., Merkur, S., & Anell, A. (2020). Achieving person-centered health systems: evidence, strategies, and challenges. Cambridge University Press.a:link {text-decoration: none;}a:visited {text-decoration: none;
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