Analysis of the Crisis Situation as a Public Safety Leader

As a public safety leader, my analysis of the crisis situation is intended to highlight all the issues that could not be visible to other members of the public. First, it is evident that the issue is not a regular occurrence, which greatly affects the type of intervention that is launched. Specifically, from the experts’ point of view, the Covid-19 pandemic may be like any of the other historical pandemics such as small pox which occurred at a point in history, killed a lump sum of people, but those who survived and their descendants could easily protect themselves using the small pox vaccine (Beilstein et al., 2020).

Even if the current pandemic would last for some time longer than the past world pandemics, it is evident that the crisis situation do not have permanence as its life depends on the human response to the same.

Similarly, the crisis situation is one which is tied to many other aspects of wellness of the human life. Public safety leadership entails the incorporation of different aspects of the realm of the public. For example, the increasing costs of care for individuals due to the situation would reduce their likelihood to visit healthcare facilities over other regular problems that seem manageable without the consultation of a medical practitioner (Beilstein et al., 2020).

The Government input that includes stipends to the members of the public to cushion the effects of the lock down would mean that the overall amount of tax payable would increase drastically.

The Agency’s (Emergency Medical) Role in the Crisis

My emergency medical agency is expected to halt most of the problems that are associated with the crisis situation by mitigating the challenges associated while preventing the occurrence of future situations. One of the primary roles of the agency would be ensuring that there is enough staff to attend to any form of crisis situation.

As the leader of the agency, I would launch a committee to assess how the current staff working in the medical department would be increased. At the moment, there are unemployed individuals who mostly work in hospitals on locum basis, and the first consideration could be their recruitment to permanent positions through which they would be able to manage the conditions more efficiently.

The agency would also device numerous alternative methods of recruiting the staff members that are required to attend to the crisis situation. Some of the eligible individuals are the current medical students or people who have a background in medical knowledge that are not yet employed. The most important aspect of implementation of this procedure would be training. That is, the management of emergency situations of covid-19 patients would need skilled workers so as to increase the chances of positive results as well as protect the workers from the associated risks of working with the patients (Fragouli, 2020). The agency would therefore develop a free two months training program in which all people would be taught on the do’s and don’ts in the field, such as ways of disposing the used personal protective equipment and also wearing them correctly.

Other Organizations that may be involved

The American Red Cross is among the other key organizations that would be involved in the emergency crisis situation. In most of the places where severe impacts of Covid-19 are seen, the ARC has had prior programs aimed at helping the vulnerable including the homeless and poor populations that cannot afford regular medical care. Professionals from ARC are more likely to be well experienced in dealing with emergency situations compared to healthcare professionals from the hospitals. Hence, when devising plans to correct the current situation, it would be prudent to consult them as well for both financial support and humanitarian aid.

The agency would also work closely with governing bodies such as the county administration so as to efficiently reach out to assist people who are affected by the crisis situation. This collaboration would help to identify the people who need sincere help and whose life has completely been transformed due to the occurrence of the pandemic.

I may have to lead the members of these organizations since I am the person who has the plan to solve the emergency situation, and it is best if they assume the followership position despite their expertise and appearance in the public forum. For example, despite the leaders of ARC having a lot of experience in the field of solving emergency health occurrences, they would not be well positioned to lead the operation since they are not well-acquainted with the plan I would use to control the entire emergency situation.

For the last assignment prepare a Crisis Leadership Response Plan detailing how you would lead and manage a notional public safety crisis.