NURS 600 Assignment 3.3 Connecting Developmental Theory
Key Realities and Discoveries Developmental theories play a significant role in patient consideration regardless of age (Damis, 2022). The reason for this task is to recognize, break down, and make sense of the utilization of a chosen developmental theory for an imaginary patient case and then relate it to the treatment and the board of an older patient.
I am a medical caretaker expert in the geriatric population, specializing in attendance administration. I want to make sense of how every previously mentioned theory can be applied to the consideration plan of older patients with cutting-edge Alzheimer’s illness. Advancing the patients’ developmental and psychosocial needs is guaranteed to improve their well-being and personal satisfaction. Explore our assignment NURS 600 Assignment 3.2 Theory Project Submit Content Outline for more information.
Patient Case
Patient Profile
Mr. John Doe is a 78-year-old male who has been determined to have Alzheimer’s illness at a high-level stage. He has been chosen to have diabetes, and he lives with his girl, who deals with him. He likewise has a child who lives in another state and comes to see him occasionally. Mr. Doe, a hypertensive kind two diabetic patient, takes normal upkeep medication and is a resigned engineer. Experiencing this sort of sickness that has made him, as of late, turn into a widow; he is attempting to deal with this infection with the assistance of his loved ones. He has a girl, she is likewise engaged with his day-to-day care, and she is quite often there to screen his physical and, particularly, his mental condition, given his continuously debilitating dementia.
Developmental Stage Analysis and Integration of Theories
Freud’s Theory (Psychosexual Stages)
He is presently more seasoned than the age range and, for the most part, connected with psychosexual organizing; these theories can, in any case, be useful in executing Mr. John Doe’s consideration. On account of Alzheimer’s illness, a patient might have tension and conduct issues because of outer feelings of trepidation and struggle that are understood (Godena et al., 2023). Even though pressure connected with cognitive capability might overpower him, using another guard component, like restraint or refusal, might help.
These mechanized angles ought to be recognized by the parental figure and tended to by talking soothingly, guaranteeing the climate is in its best condition, and participating in different exercises that would separate the uneasiness framework and connect with the security one.
Erikson’s Theory (Psychosocial Stages)
Applying Erikson’s psychosocial theory, the individual portrayed in the case, the patient Mr. John Doe, is in the stage of Honesty versus Despair. Despair. It presents the oddity for end-of-life care to capture him in his elevated high-level Alzheimer’s Illness. However, there is a benevolent chance to assist him with recovering his honesty as you find and distill distill the achievements of his life and the part he played in making his story.
It has been demonstrated that memory treatment can help patients keep up with their nobility and mental self-view; hence, talking about the positive parts of the patient and summoning their memory of achievements would be useful in this unique situation (Trejo-Lopez et al., 2021). Moreover, more established grown-ups still need daily reassurance in such parts of life as adapting to frustration connected to undesirable cognitive changes, as educated by the review regarding close-to-home development in advanced age to help their satisfaction in this stage.
Piaget’s Theory (Cognitive Development)
The stages for cognitive development by Piaget cannot be utilized on Mr. John Doe completely since the patient is old and most likely has Alzheimer’s illness, which influences his cognitive capabilities; regardless, information on cognitive cycles is central in his treatment plan. It prompts dementia that causes moderate degeneration of intellectual capacity, like loss of memory and disarray. To coordinate Piaget suspicion, one needs to recognize such cognitive modifications and adjust to the event (Lei et al., 2021).
NURS 600 Assignment 3.3 Connecting Developmental Theory
This might include making Mr. Doe follow a comparative timetable as an approach to sorting out his day, having standard tokens of his exercises and undertakings for the afternoon, empowering him to do different exercises that challenge the condition of his brain, and fostering a normal that helps him into the extent that is conceivable as an approach to working on his satisfaction.
Vygotsky’s Theory (Sociocultural Development)
As per Vygotsky and the Socio-social theory of development, the ongoing stage for learning Mr. John Doe features how social cooperation is esteemed in development. In any case, as it has Alzheimer’s illness, social connection is extremely pivotal since it helps in everyday government assistance. While carrying out Vygotsky’s theory, it should be noted that relatives ought to participate in significant and useful cooperation with Mr. Doe. Advancing routine visits, keeping up conversations that connect with previous encounters, and including the patient in leisure activities and interests can act as critical social cooperation, support, and mental tests that advance the learning cycle and prosperity of the patient within the sight of the condition (Mintun et al., 2021).
Smilansky’s Play Theory
Smilansky’s play theory, while not straightforwardly pertinent to Mr. John Doe because of his young oldness, absence of actual finesse, and significant cognitive decline due to Alzheimer’s sickness, can be downsized and modified to increase his consideration. By coordinating and arranging exercises and play-like treatments, for example, music treatment and expressions, or reviewing occasions that occurred before, it becomes conceivable to help Mr. Doe review the data he got before and simultaneously get the experience of joy.
These mediations allow him to encounter the tangible surfaces of his current circumstance, to impersonate or not express sentiments, communicate with others, and partake in superior personal satisfaction regardless of the ASD (Juan Carlos Ruíz et al., 2020). In this case, using different individualized procedures will make it feasible to utilize play mediation further to develop Mr. Doe’s discernment and psychosocial prosperity.
Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
Explicitly concerning Mr. John Doe’s case, Bandura’s social learning theory accentuates observational learning and displays helpful data on how the arrangement of care can be tended to regardless of his degeneration. Through showing and observational learning strategies mediation, the parental figures in caring for Mr. Doe ought to guarantee that they take care of ways of behaving that build up good activities and stay away from those that incite forceful sentiments like unsettling. In showing the restrictive utilization of positive language and showing others how it is done, as a mindful parental figure, one can guarantee that Mr. Doe sees and mimics a serene person’s ideal ways of behaving.
In addition, coordinating the timetable and including clear examples and unmistakable errands will likewise add to his sense of safety and solace, and that implies that further legitimate correspondence with him can be improved, and episodes of pain can be successfully diminished (Rumjaun & Narod, 2020). Applying Bandura’s theory permits parental figures to involve observational learning as a methodology to improve suitable ways of behaving and upgrade the personal satisfaction of Mr. Doe despite the restricted PT given by Alzheimer’s sickness.
Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
Noticing the imperative marks of Bowlby’s attachment theory, it is feasible to stress that the safely connected people’s states add to their general prosperity and genius in any stage of their life, in any event, with regards to such a period as oldness, for instance, the Mr. John Doe’s no doubt. While applying this theory, the key viewpoint is that Mr. Doe should have a real sense of security and be helped by his girl and the nursing and medical services group through consistent, cherishing care.
From the setting of attachment theory, consequently focusing on the close-to-home responsiveness and actual presence laid out with Mr. Doe, the storyteller establishes a climate of fatherly trust and assurance. This reinforced attachment buffers him from trouble and upgrades his ability to manage Alzheimer’s infection, accordingly fortifying his overall mental and close-to-home prosperity (Granqvist, 2020).
Anticipated Treatment and Care Plan
Medical Management
Trustworthy answers for Mr. John Doe’s Alzheimer’s, hypertension, and diabetes should be addressed to deal with his medical necessities enough. Along these lines, through standards coming about on the patient’s medication plan and modifications in the proposed assessments of the different fabricated materials, the result of the cycle and possible potential outcomes can be truly organized by well-informed healthcare authorities. Supplementation of his prospering status enables a medical caretaker to see any possible improvements nts and avoid intricacies arising from his comorbid conditions (Yiannopoulou & Papageorgiou, 2020).
Psychosocial Support
Figuring out the memory treatment could be a one-of-a-kind chance to add to the improvement of Mr. Doe’s impression of loss of character, considering his dementia condition. Through the discussions and activities that make the patient review critical things in his standard presence, Mr. Doe can have to trust everything through his typical everyday presence and his motivation to live on account of the lone stories he hears or sees customary.